Cajun Coyote 20 Miler 100K, 20 Miler, 100 Miler
Ville Platte, LA
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  1. Jack
    Jack Wolf  - November 13, 9:53 AM
    sorry...i meant to post here... so are there 20 mile loops for the 100 miler?
    1. Darren Hull  - November 19, 12:51 AM
      That is what I understand from what I read.
  2. Aaron
    Aaron Thompson  - October 14, 2:20 PM
    How bad are the mosquitoes that time of year?
    1. Jack Wolf  - November 13, 9:53 AM
      so are they 20 mile loops for the 100 miler?
    2. Jack Wolf  - November 13, 9:53 AM
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