Mohican Marathon, 50 Miler, 100 Miler
Loudonville, OH
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  1. Catherine
    Catherine Pinkston  - June 17, 9:18 PM
    I did the 50 mile but am not listed as a finisher.
  2. Morgan
    Morgan Stanton  - June 17, 6:24 AM
    I did the 50 mile run. I clocked my running time at 11:05. The running time on the race clock was 9:05 (started with the marathon that started 2 hours after the 50 start). My posted results show my finishing time at 12:05. I'm not sure if I'm missing something, but I believe my posted time may be wrong. I was originally signed up for the 100 mile run, but changed races the night before, maybe that attributed to the extra hour on my time?
    1. Doug Hile  - June 17, 5:19 PM
      Marathon started 3 hours after the 100, which I believe was the official "running" clock time.