Tunnel Hill 100 100 Miler, 50 Miler
Vienna, IL
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  1. Chris
    Chris Valenti  - November 4, 11:58 AM
    I was trying to plan drop bags and have a question on the course. There is an aid station at 26.5, but the site says elsewhere that station 25 has a drop bag and running water. Is this one and the same? If not, there is a something strange because the first aid station is at 5.3 miles in and the difference between 35 and 26.5 is just 1.5. Sorry for being a pest, but I just wanted to plan the bags. Thank you!!!!
    1. Chris Valenti  - November 4, 1:29 PM
      disregard that last sentence with screwy math. :)
    2. Steve Durbin  - November 4, 4:35 PM
      There are three drop bag locations.
      Karnak - about 10 miles south of the start/finish
      Tunnel Hill - about 10 miles north of the start finish
      Vienna Park - start/finish.
      Since the course runs south past Karnak to a turnaround point, you'll pass Karnak again on the way north.
      Then you'll pass through Vienna Park on your way north.
      You'll pass Tunnel Hill and head to the turnaround, meaning you'll pass by Tunnel Hill on the way back to Vienna Park. If you're running 50 miles you'll be finished when you return to Vienna Park from the north.
      Prepare 3 drop bags
      Karnak you'll visit during the day light hours.
      It might get dark before you get to Tunnel Hill, so you might want your light at Vienna Park if you can't run 36 miles in 9 hours. Otherwise, have your light at Tunnel Hill.
      Hope this helps.
  2. Josh
    Josh Laker  - July 13, 4:53 AM
    This will be my 1st distance longer than 26.2. Does any one have any suggestions on shoes, gear, tips, etc etc
    1. Chris Valenti  - November 4, 11:59 AM
      Josh...do you still need some tips?