New River Trail Races 50K, 25K
Fries, VA
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50M, 50K, 14 Miler, 10K Trail Race
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50K, 25K
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  1. John
    John Carpenter  - September 21, 9:24 AM
    Do our drivers need to pick us up at the 50k mile mark or is there transportation back to our cars?
    1. Alison Bryant  - September 21, 5:09 PM
      John, The course is an out-and-back for both the 50k and 25k. So no need for transportation! Please let me know if you have any other questions!
  2. Carmen
    Carmen Smallwood  - August 13, 11:53 AM
    Hi, do we discount in hotel like other years?
    1. Alison Bryant  - August 15, 2:29 PM
      Carmen, We have not made any arrangements with hotels this year. The information I have from last year shows that the hotels were not actually offering discounts, there was just a block of rooms reserved for runners. You should be able to get the same prices by booking online.