Antelope Canyon Ultramarathons 100 Miler, 50 Miler, 55K, 20K
Page, AZ
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Mar 23, 2024
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  1. Jack
    Jack Jewell  - February 26, 11:22 PM
    I started on time for the 50mi, checked into every aid station, and doubly verified at the Finish that the guy on the laptop got my number. Finished about 14h35m. Was listed as DNS. Have Photos all the way till just before dark around 45mi. Saw a friend Terri Pfiel near Page Rim AS, who was about to finish a few hours before me, and is still not listed.
    1. Jack Jewell  - February 27, 1:32 PM
      My race number is 1033 - Jack Jewell
  2. Tom
    Tom Gladfelter  - February 23, 12:39 PM
    Nikki Marvel and I (Tom Gladfelter) are listed as 16 hour finishers. We finished together at 14:55.
  3. Brian
    Brian Hancey  - February 22, 11:09 PM
    I am listed with a DNS and also with a time that is 12 hours longer than actual. ???
    1. Sandra Powell  - February 23, 8:35 AM
      I ran the 20k and finished in about 2:25, but am listed as DNS. I had made sure that each aid station and the finish line had my number correct since I had moved down from a longer race. I also don't see the girl that finished just ahead of me listed as having finished.