Finlayson Arm 50K, 28K
Victoria, BC
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  1. Shay
    Shay Averbuch  - August 23, 5:03 PM
    Hey Myke, what options will we have to refill our water bottles at the aid stations and how do we get our bags to the aid stations?
    1. Myke Labelle  - August 23, 7:39 PM
      Hi Shay, you'll be able to drop your drop bags off at the start and they will be delivered to the aid stations. See for more info on where the aid stations are located.
  2. Grace
    Grace Stubblefield  - June 18, 2:15 PM
    I'd like to waitlist for the Finlayson Arm 25k but can't seem to figure out how to do this hereon on the Signup. Any ideas? Thank yoU!
    1. Myke Labelle  - June 18, 2:41 PM
      Hi Grace, just register as you normally would for the event. It'll take all your information and credit card and put you on the waitlist. Let me know if you get stuck!