Western States 100 Miler
Olympic Valley, CA
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  1. Joe
    Joe Ziegenfuss  - November 17, 8:29 AM
    The email account when I first signed up on Ultra signup is no longer valid - I can't find a place to change it. I am concerned that I may not be getting email regarding WS. Am I missing where to do this?Thanks - Joe Ziegenfuss (jziegenfuss@yahoo.com)
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 17, 8:13 AM
      Hi Joe. Please create a new account and let me know when you are finished. I will then link your registration with that new account.
    2. Joe Ziegenfuss  - November 17, 9:38 AM
      Hi Mark. New account created with jziegenfuss@yahoo.com - thanks a lot for the response!
    3. Mark Gilligan  - November 17, 9:00 AM
      Great, I'll take care of it. I'll try to make sure all important regiistrarion info is posted on Ultrasignup too. Seems some spam filters are a bit too sensitive. Thanks.
    4. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:40 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  2. Brandon
    Brandon Nugent  - November 29, 2:22 PM
    I signed up for the lottery but I'm not on the applicant list.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 2:41 PM
      Brandon, we have no record of you applying. Forward your confirmation and we will review it.
    2. Brandon Nugent  - November 29, 2:50 PM
      Thanks, who should I send it to?
    3. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 2:55 PM
    4. Brandon Nugent  - November 29, 3:21 PM
      Thanks! Just forwarded you the info I had.
    5. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 4:03 PM
      Brandon. I have not received anything on my end. Please let me know asap, We are finalizing our list.
    6. Brandon Nugent  - November 29, 4:07 PM
      Just resent it.
    7. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 4:20 PM
      Oh no, I see what happened. You bought raffle tickets. The Raffle is not the Lottery. The Raffle is a pay to play drawing for the chance to run in the race. However, the lottery is a free drawing where names are pulled to fill the limited spots in the race. Fortunately, you have a chance with your Raffle tickets. Unfortuntely, you didn't get into the general lottery.
    8. Brandon Nugent  - November 29, 4:22 PM
      Wow. I feel really stupid. Looks like I have another season to figure this out. :)
    9. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 4:38 PM
      A simple mistake, I have seen much worse. You still have a chance. I'll cross my fingers for you.
    10. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:40 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  3. Rebecca
    Rebecca Joyner  - August 3, 7:57 AM
    Sorry for the stupid question, but I've looked in the FAQ's and online first I promise. If I run 2 qualifying races in my first year, do I get two tickets in the lottery or is it still just one? Thanks!
    1. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:40 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  4. Jeffrey
    Jeffrey Stephens  - December 3, 3:28 PM
    There is NO way you could get me to watch this online!! I will wait until it is over and check the list.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 3, 12:33 PM
      Good call! Go for a run instead.
    2. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:39 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  5. Harlan
    Harlan Reymont  - December 8, 2:32 PM
    Just curious, if I had two tickets this year and did not get drawn, do I get three tickets next year? Thanks for all that you do for our sport Mark!
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 8, 3:34 PM
      Thanks Harlan! Yes, you will receive an extra ticket for each consecutive year. Sorry to hear you are on your third year.
    2. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:38 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  6. Robert
    Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:38 AM
    I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  7. Tigra
    Tigra Soleil  - January 8, 3:02 PM
    Lost on day of Western States Endurance Run at the Drivers Flat river crossing/ take-out area : Custom wooden RiverStyx (Jim Snyder) paddle / guide stick. It has my name embedded in the finish. The race directors says someone in his staff saw it by the generator on the evening of the race. I believe someone involved with the western states endurance run has it, or at least has info as to its whereabouts. Please help me find this very sentimental item. $100+ for info leading to its return!
    1. Robert Bailey  - January 9, 9:37 AM
      I ended 2018 with a smile of winning the october powerball draw and am so grateful to Priest Odibo who brought this to reality. I was introduced to Priest Odibo middle of October and he told all i need to do which i need and he gave me the winning numbers which i played and i won $687.8 Million on the 27th of October. I will advise everyone to stop wasting money in buying ticket if you have not contacted Priest Odibo for help. He is the only and trusted one who can give you sure winning. I am a living testimony to it. You can contact him via whatsapp +2348163083041 or email him through templeofpermanenthealing@hotmail.com
  8. Jim
    Jim Schneiderman  - November 6, 2:20 AM
    I somehow created two accounts in Ultrasignup one with my birth name (James) and one with my nickname (Jim). When I log into my account, it defaults to “Jim” but most of my results are under “James”. How do I change my default account to pull the results from James, not Jim?
  9. Jerry
    Jerry Cooper  - April 15, 4:55 PM
    I purchased a few raffle tickets a while ago (this year) how do I know if you received them? also I am new in this stuff, how do i put myslef in the hat for next year (just wajt to make sure I use all the extra possibilities available) thanks for all your great work!
    1. Mark Gilligan  - April 15, 5:37 PM
      Hi Jerry, I'm not very knowledgable on the specifics of the raffle, but i found this page that describes the process.
      UltraSignup has not been involved in the lottery ticket sales so we do not have the current per member count. Good luck.
  10. Gary
    Gary Nichols  - December 6, 12:59 PM
    Mark, were lottery losers supposed to receive a denial email to use as justification for an extra ticket next year?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 6, 10:15 AM
      Gary, sorry you were not selected. I will be sending confirms and rejections out in the next couple days. Sorry for the delay, but we are processing the final entrant's and didn't want to wrongly send denials to people who are actually in. You will not need to provide proof of your application, we will have all your info on file and will add another ticket in the bucket for next year (as long as you apply).
  11. Ted
    Ted Nunes  - December 3, 4:58 AM
    Does anyone know if they will draw an extra name from those only in the room? That's what happened last year if I'm not mistaken.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 3, 8:05 AM
      Yes, they will draw names from the audience. I'm not sure how many, but it's worth being there if you are local.
  12. Kurtis
    Kurtis Gruters  - December 2, 7:02 PM
    Wish I could make the lottery! Will there still be coffee and pastries for those of us watching online?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 2, 4:45 PM
      I'll try to build that feature for next year. Thanks for the idea, Kurtis.
  13. Seth
    Seth Lyon  - December 2, 9:22 AM
    What time is the lottery and how long does it take?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - December 2, 10:19 AM
      The drawing starts at 9am and lasts for an hour or two. See you there?
    2. Seth Lyon  - December 2, 10:41 AM
      I'll be there electronically, watching on ultralive with all fingers and toes crossed.
  14. Jeff
    Jeff Lang  - November 29, 10:05 PM
    Does attending the lottery drawing make me luckier?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 10:10 PM
      Affirmative! Be there! Although, watching the NorthFace 50m championship race is a better option. It's gonna be a good race.
  15. James
    James Holland  - November 29, 10:43 AM
    My wallet was stolen yesterday and I had to cancel the credit card I used to apply for WS. What do I need to do to change this information? Thanks.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 29, 8:45 AM
      James, sorry to hear. The authorization was made prior to the loss so it should not be a problem. If we have trouble, we will contact you. .
  16. Michael
    Michael Miller  - November 28, 8:45 PM
    Pretty Cool setup here on Ultra Signup for the WS... great to see. Will be nice as this type functionality and info is added to other races as the site grows.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 28, 8:56 PM
      Thanks Michael. All events hosted on UltraSignup can use the system for their events. Make sure you tell RD's to get with the times and use UltraSignup :)
  17. James
    James Plant  - November 23, 11:59 AM
    Mark, are the lottery losers from last year getting an additional ticket in the draw for this year?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 23, 11:32 PM
      James, Yes, all applicants for the 2010 race will get one extra ticket. I will have something after the close that will indicate whether we have record of you applying last year.
    2. Gary Nichols  - November 24, 9:45 AM
      Mark, The website states, "Each runner who applies for the first time and fails to gain entry..." will have an additional name in the hat. Does that mean that previous WS participants won't receive an extra ticket after losing in a lottery?
    3. Mark Gilligan  - November 24, 7:39 AM
      I am pretty sure all who applied last year and were not selected, will get an extra, regardless of their prior finishes. I need to double check this, it was not discussed. Stay tuned...
    4. Mark Gilligan  - November 24, 6:06 PM
      The words "for the first time" will be removed. This should clear up any confusion. Basically, each time you apply and are not selected, you enter the following year with an extra ticket. You lose your past tickets if you you don't apply.
    5. Tony Arrizon  - November 28, 12:37 AM
      It took me 3 days to find out where the 2010 applicants list was, in the Ultrasignup website: i found it by mistake while clicking on "Check out these statistics" I spent too much time thinking it was in the entrants list ! maybe it can be retyped to
    6. Tony Arrizon  - November 28, 12:38 AM
      -say "Applicants list"
    7. Mark Gilligan  - November 28, 1:37 PM
      I just posted the list of applicants who will have an extra ticket going into next week's lottery:
  18. Jason
    Jason Jones  - November 23, 8:15 PM
    I signed up for the lottery but I don't see my name on the list.
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 23, 11:35 PM
      Make sure you are looking at the correct list. Some people think they are actually registering for the race and expect to see their name on the Entrant list. You have to wait till after the lottery to see that. Prior to the lottery you will be on the Applicant list.
  19. Mark
    Mark Gilligan  - November 13, 5:56 PM
    This year, timed events will not be allowed as qualifying races for the Western States 100. A quick glance at the qualifiers people are using, this will likely surprise some.
    1. Bob Gilbert  - November 17, 9:04 PM
      Mark, states says no timed track events, not timed events, please review
    2. Mark Gilligan  - November 18, 5:48 AM
      Bob, the wording is a bit confusing and will need to be more clear. When it states Track events, that does not mean on a track, but rather around a flat, set course with little to no elevation gain.
  20. Nathan
    Nathan Sanel  - November 16, 4:03 PM
    Maybe I'm missing it, but why isn't Leadville listed as a qualifying race?
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 16, 1:06 PM
      Nathan, make sure you select the appropriate region. When you click on West, you will see Leadville. Thanks.
    2. Nathan Sanel  - November 16, 4:23 PM
      Oh, I see now. Thanks Mark! Great job on the site.
  21. Dan
    Dan Burstein  - November 15, 3:40 PM
    Looking good...I did notice that the Georgia does not link yet from the pie chart. Also did not see the Pinhoti 100 listed as a qual. race. Thanks Dan
    1. Mark Gilligan  - November 15, 1:19 PM
      Good catch Dan. Pinhoti was held on the last day of the qualifying period. I had the qualifying period set to expire the day before. All set now. Also, Georgia is working from the pie now, sorry Georgia.
  22. Mark
    Mark Gilligan  - November 13, 8:59 PM
    I need a few more days to complete the qualifiers functionality. The page will allow you to see if wee have your qualifier in our database and that your name is properly linked to the results. If you have any issues with alias' etc, let us know. Use the change name request tool on your results page.
    1. Ted Nunes  - November 14, 11:03 AM
      Thanks Mark... Ultra Signup is a great site and offers up great stats.
    2. Robert Howard  - November 15, 7:26 AM
      I noticed I was listed on applicants and had the entry fee held on my account, but I did not see Leadville Silver Rush 50 Miler listed. Wondering how I can get confirmation, thanks a ton!
    3. Mark Gilligan  - November 15, 8:22 AM
      Robert, I will look into this and get the Leadville Silver Rush 50 listed. Give me a day or two.