Pine to Palm 100 100 Miler
Williams, OR
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  1. Todd
    Todd Bertolone  - August 11, 2:40 PM
    I just signed up for the Pine to Palm and wanted to know if there is anyone that would want to help me get to the start if I left my vehicle at the finish; or the opposite of that would work too. I'm not bringing a crew or pacer and I haven't seen anything on the website that says that there is a shuttle helping us out. I am guessing that there might be someone else that might be in the same predicament as me. You can reach me at (707) 322-6831 or
    Todd Bertolone
    1. Myles Smythe  - August 29, 12:01 PM
      The website does describe a shuttle bus. Check the news on the left side of the race home page.
    2. Todd Bertolone  - August 29, 4:06 PM
      Thanks Myles! I did see that recently and got myself signed up for it. I appreciate your message. Todd
    3. Jesse Rich  - April 14, 11:50 AM
      Hey Todd, I don't know if the page has changed but I am looking for the same thing..the details of the shuttle, and I can't find it. How did you signup? Thanks.
  2. John
    John Mackenzie  - August 30, 10:45 PM
    Curious as to the cutoff times: 19 hrs (17 min/mi) for the first 2/3's and 15 hrs (27:16 min/mi) for the last 1/3. The first cutoff seems especially tight (15min/mi) given the average for the whole race (20:18 min/mi). Difficult for us non-speedsters.
  3. Jeff
    Jeff Mandrell  - August 7, 9:03 PM
    Anyone that needs a place to crash pre and post run may stay with us. Call or text 6183150518

  4. Alice
    Alice Hisamoto  - August 3, 9:53 PM
    I'd like to run the P2P and would like to know if there are specific qualifying times on previous ultras that must be met before signing up. Thank you.
    1. Jeff Mandrell  - August 7, 9:02 PM
      Sign up!
  5. Jeff
    Jeff Mandrell  - January 26, 7:29 PM
    Enchanted by the buckle
    1. Stephanie Buettner  - May 10, 3:01 PM
      Not sure where to stay...Medford or Ashland..dont have a crew and will rent a car...mhmmm...suggestions??
    2. Alice Hisamoto  - August 3, 9:51 PM
      I'm considering running P2P this Sept. Before I register, does anyone know if there are specific qualification requirement to meet before registering?