Pullman Winter Ultra Series
Are your favorite mountain trails covered in snow?
Do you need motivation to hit the pavement when the skies are gray and low?
Have you always wanted to visit Pullman, WA during the winter?
You're in luck! Pullman now has a cure for the Inland NW winter ultrarunning blues.
The Pullman Winter Ultras are a low-key race on the WSU loop, beginning at Thomas Hammer Coffee. One loop is 7.75mi or 12.5km. Two loops is 15mi/25km, Three is 22.5mi/37.5km, and Four is 31mi/50km. The run is self-supported, with one aid station at the start/finish with coffee and lite snacks.
IMPORTANT: The Pullman Winter Ultra Series is a free, low-key, no-support, slip-on-ice, freeze-your-toes-off, drink-a-beer-afterward-or-during, fun-run-style event. Come ready for some camaraderie!
2024 Race
Start at 8:30am for all distances. PRR will provide donuts and hot drinks.
This is a self-timed, minimally-supported winter run. Please plan accordingly!
Event's current local time: 7:03 PM PT