Saturday, Apr 6, 2024
Please click here for registration information.

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Registration for this event is not being hosted on UltraSignup. However, we are selling a few discounted entries. Purchase any available entry by clicking on the green "Claim" button. Once paid for, you will receive instructions to register on the official website. If you do not see a "Claim" button, you can still register for the event using this Link.


The beautiful and challenging 50 mile course follows 3 repeat loops on the Croom Hiking Trail through central Florida’s long leaf pines and scrub oak covered hills, past creek bottoms and cypress ponds. There will be a 6:00pm cut off. The 50K race will follow the same course with 2 repeat loops and the 15 Mile Race is one loop. This is a wonderful course at a great time of the year for running - you don't want to miss this race.

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