Saturday, Jun 11, 2016

Rim To Rim Trail Run

326 Centennial Ave

Chico, CA 50K, 50 Miler, Marathon, 1/2 Marathon

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Registration for this event is not being hosted on UltraSignup. However, we are selling a few discounted entries. Purchase any available entry by clicking on the green "Claim" button. Once paid for, you will receive instructions to register on the official website. If you do not see a "Claim" button, you can still register for the event using this Link.

About the course

Starting at the 5-Mile Recreation Area in Chico, California, the Rim To Rim Trail Run course covers the majority of the trails in Upper Bidwell Park. Big Chico Creek cuts a canyon through the low elevation Sierra Nevada foothills, and the canyon rims will treat runners to beautiful views of the creek, the canyon, and the Central Sacramento Valley.

The Rim To Rim Trail Run is divided into two sections: the North Rim and South Rim. Half marathon runners will run the North Rim section, while marathon and 50 mile runners will run both and truly travel from Rim to Rim.