29 Races
9 Trophies
North Face Endurance Challenge - Massachusetts - 50K - Princeton, MA
North Face Endurance Challenge - Washington DC - 50 Miler - Sterling, VA
North Face Endurance Challenge - Massachusetts - 50K - Princeton, MA
North Face Endurance Challenge - Washington DC - 50 Miler - Sterling, VA
North Face Endurance Challenge - Massachusetts - 50 Miler - Princeton, MA
Grand to Grand Ultra - 170 Miler - Kanab, UT
North Face Endurance Challenge - Ontario - 50 Miler - Blue Mountain, ON
Bryce Canyon Ultras - 100 Miler - Bryce Canyon, UT
4 Deserts - Gobi March - 250K - Bortala, CHN
North Face Endurance Challenge - Washington DC - 50 Miler - Sterling, VA
Vermont 100 - 100K - West Windsor, VT
NJ Ultra Trail Festival - 100K - Augusta, NJ
Febapple Frozen Fifty - 50 Miler - Maplewood, NJ
Bandera - 100K - Bandera, TX
Racing the Planet Iceland - 250K - Reykjavik, ISL
North Face Endurance Challenge - New York - 50 Miler - Bear Mountain, NY
Oil Creek - 100 Miler - Titusville, PA
Leadville Trail - 100 Miler - Leadville, CO