Event Store
Saturday, Jul 13, 2024

Devil's Gulch

Wenatchee, WA 100 Miler, 50 Miler, 1/2 Marathon, kids race

Plant a Tree!
Tree - $2.50
Evergreen Trails is partnering with Trees not Tees to help save the planet!  Trees not Tees help events reduce their environmental impact with one simple strategy – offering participants the choice of buying and planting a tree instead of a race tee. We love trees and we love helping save the environment so we are paying half the cost for each tree! That means your half is only $2.50 After the event, participants who selected the option to have a tree planted receive a photo and GPS coordinates of their tree’s location.
Trail Mix Fund Donation
Donate $5 - $5
Donate $10 - $10
Donate $25 - $25
Donate $50 - $50
Donate $100 - $100
In an effort to improve diversity in trail racing and remove a potential barrier for the under-served and under-represented, the Trail Mix Fund™ was established in 2021. This Fund pays the race registration fee for runners who cannot afford it or aren’t sure they belong in the sport. Please consider donating to help increase access to the wonderful world of trail running!