Saturday, May 18, 2019
This Event Took Place Sat. May 18, 2019

RunOrDrop, mind over matter!

NOTE: If registration is closed or same day registration is wanted sends us a note at

RunOrDrop 50K/30K at Norbuck Park consists on running multiple 2 mile loops with 2 twists:
A) A loop starts every 30 minutes not before, participants must check in before 30' otherwise they are eliminated.
B) the last 6 miles (3 loops) are run continuously for the final results!
You can Run Or Drop... or fight for your result on the last ~10K.

The distances:
50K: 13 laps (41.6K) + 3 continuous laps (9.6K). Total 51.2K.
Run a smooth ~marathon distance and see how you handle the fast 10K!
30k: 6 laps (19.2K) + 3 continuous laps (9.6K). Total 28.8K.
Run a smooth ~half-marathon distance and see how you handle the fast ~10K!

This race will allow to check your limits, help you pacing... but...
How many laps can you complete?
How much do you have left for the 10K?
Runners know that the rest in between laps is a double sided sword.... and the length of the event will make it hard for everyone.
Don't miss the opportunity to see how long far can run, and if you can you complete the race.
This event will make you stronger.



Event's current local time: 8:56 AM CT


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