Rio Del Lago - 100 Miler
American River - 50 Miler
Way Too Cool - 50K
Heart of Cool Trail Run - 1/2 Marathon
Resolution Run - Auburn CA - 10 Miler
Rio Del Lago - 100 Miler
Turkey's Revenge - 10K
Squaw Valley Half Marathon - 1/2 Marathon
American River - 50 Miler
Way Too Cool - 50K
Resolution Run - Auburn CA - 10 Miler
Dirty Secret Trail Run - 10.3 Miler
Diablo Summit Stomp - 1/2 Marathon
Run on the Sly - 20 Miler
Blood, Sweat and Beers Trail Run - 10.4 Miler
Trail Quake - 1/2 Marathon
Blood, Sweat and Beers Trail Run - 5.7 Miler
Buffalo Stampede - 10 Miler
Lake Sonoma - 50 Miler
HURT 100 - HURT 100