Bimblers Bluff - 50K
Vermont 100 - 100 Miler
Hellgate - 100K
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 100 Miler
Hellgate - 100K
Bimblers Bluff - 50K
Bull Run Run - 50 Miler
Hellgate - 100K
Grindstone by UTMB - 100 Miler
Hellgate - 100K
Watchung Winter - 50K
Hellgate - 100K
Stone Mill 50M - 50 Miler
North Face Endurance Challenge - New York - Marathon
Watchung Winter - 50K
Vermont 50 - 50 Miler
Mahlon Mayhem - 50K
Watchung Winter - 50K
Escarpment Trail Run - 30K
North Face Endurance Challenge - New York - 50 Miler
Watchung Winter - 50K
Escarpment Trail Run - 30K