Root and Rock Trail Series #2 - 50K
Root and Rock Trail Series #1 - 50K
Bigfoot 50k - 50K
Squamish 50 - 50K
North Face Endurance Challenge - San Francisco - 50K
Diablo Trail Run - 1/2 Marathon
Indiana Trail 100 - 100 Miler
8 Hour Dream Endurance Run - 8hrs
Run Under The Stars&#0153 - Corydon - 3hrs
Indiana Trail 100 - 100 Miler
Land between the Lakes - Marathon
Crooked Creek Ultra Trail Race - Marathon
Mohican - 50 Miler
Backyard Classic - 8hrs
Rocky Raccoon - 100 Miler
Backyard Classic - 8hrs
Mohican - 100 Miler
Dances with Dirt - Gnaw Bone - 50K
Yamacraw - 50K
Land between the Lakes - 42K
Backyard Classic - 8hrs
Yamacraw - 50K
Land between the Lakes - 50 Miler
Mohican - 100 Miler
Dances with Dirt - Gnaw Bone - 50K
Land between the Lakes - 50 Miler
Land between the Lakes - 50 Miler