Trail Running Festival at Pineland Farms - 25K
Bandera - 25K
Rocky 50 - 50K
Land between the Lakes - 42K
Land between the Lakes - Marathon
Bandera - 50K
Deadwood Mickelson Trail Marathon - Marathon
Dances with Dirt - Hell - 50K
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50K
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50K
Eagle Creek - 1/2 Marathon
Bandera - 50K
Running with the Devil - 1/2 Marathon
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50K
Ice Age Trail - 50K
Cactus Rose - 50 Miler
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 50K
Rocky Raccoon - 50 Miler
Bandera - 50K
Turkey & Taturs Trail Race - 50K
Haulin' Aspen - Marathon
Ice Age Trail - 50K
Pikes Peak - Marathon
Trail Running Festival at Pineland Farms - 50K
Bandera - 50K
Greylock Trail Race - Marathon
Pikes Peak - Marathon