Rio Del Lago - 100 Miler
The Bighorn Mountain Wild and Scenic Trail Run - 100 Miler
John Dick Memorial Crusty 50 - 50K
Extreme North Dakota Trail Run Amongst Innumerable Lost Souls (END-TRAILS) - 50K
Surf the Murph - 50K
HURT 100 - HURT 100 Miler
Hixon 50k - 50K
Extreme North Dakota Sandhills Ultra - 50K
North Face Endurance Challenge - Madison - 50 Miler
Surf the Murph - 50K
Glacial Trail - 50K
Vi’s Top of Tantalus - 7 Miler
Tantalus Triple Trek - 30 Miler
Hilo to Volcano - 50K
Hilo to Volcano - 50K
Hilo to Volcano - 50K
HURT 100 - HURT 100