Friday, Mar 31, 2023 @ 6:00 PM

Swiss Valley Challenge

9483 Whitetop Rd.

Peosta, IA 48 Hours, 24 Hours

This Event Took Place Fri. Mar 31, 2023

General Info

Kick off the Spring with the Swiss Valley Challenge...

Choose between 2 options or run as much or as little as you want.
24 Hours - 4x4x24 Hours (total 24 miles)
48 Hours - 4x4x48 Hours (total 48 miles)

or Double down! Do 8 miles every 4 hours.

Starting at 6pm Friday night, we will run 4 miles. Then every 4 hours after start do another 4 miles. If anyone wants to double down and do 8 miles every 4 hours, you will have 48 miles after 24 hours and 96 miles after 48 hours. *Fee free to add a few more miles on if you want to hit marathon, 50 mile, or 100 mile distance.

This is a very grass roots event put on by local trail runners. It will be self supported, however we will have snacks and meals available at the campground. Think of it as a potluck at the campground in between segments, so feel free to bring some food to share. *Water will be provided.

There will be no aid stations at Swiss Valley Nature Center. So bring what you need for each segment.

We will plan on some music and games in between segments at the Swiss Valley Campground which will be home base for this event. Please bring a tent for camping or sleep in your car if you wish. During the downtime in between segments will be a great opportunity to get to know and hang out with fellow trail runners.


Freestyle course. There are several trails at the Swiss Valley Nature Center. Each segment is not timed, so you are free to roam whatever trails you wish to get your 4 miles for each segment. Do the same 4 mile trail every time, or switch it up and try a different trail each segment. We will have a few different maps of either 4 mile loops or 4 mile out and backs planned out so if you aren't familiar with the trails, you can use those as a guide.


Why the fee if this is a grassroots, quasi self supported event?

100% of the proceeds from the entry fees for this event will be donated to Friends of Dubuque County Conservation. Dubuque County Conservation helps maintain the trails and preserve conservation efforts in Dubuque County. They also provide programming for children and youth groups throughout the area. This event is our way of giving back and also showcasing the beautiful trails of Dubuque County with a unique one of a kind event.

Event's current local time: 4:09 AM CT


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