Bootlegger - About
Starting in 2024, we've decided to combine two great events in order to bring you one great weekend of trail running and craft beer in Boulder City, NV. From 2024 on, the old Blood, Sweat, and Beers courses will be retired and replaced with the main 25k course from Bootlegger. The 25k course will be 1 entire loop with the 50k being, you guessed it, 2 full loops. The 5k, 10k and Half courses will remain exactly the same, but this year we'll have later start times to give you some extra shut eye before a fun day in Bootleg Canyon!
Participant Instructions
Participant Instructions - Just Uploaded! Version 3 - Uploaded on March 28th, 2024
Race Location
Race Start Location - Race Location
Course Information
25k/50k Course Map -
25k/50k Course Map
Other Distances -
Half Marathon Course Map
10k Course Map
5k Course Map
Original Bootlegger 25k/50k ATRA FKTs
Type: Trail
Participant Limit: 40 For 25k and 40 for 50k
Starting Elevation: 2500
High Point: 3300
Percent of the course on un-paved trails: 100%
First Year of the Event: 2011
Men's Record: Men: 3:33:18
Masters Men Record: Men 40+ 3:51:58
Women's Record: Women: 4:19:50
Masters Women Record: Women 40+ 4:53:51
Camping all weekend is absolutely free! The camping area will be staged next to the start/finish area. Come camp out and cheer on your runners all weekend long! Please remember to select the camping option at checkout.
More detailed information about camping coming out soon...
Expect the average high near Las Vegas in late March to be around 72 degrees and the low to occasionally dip into the 40s. For the last few years we have seen winter conditions persist into late March and April. Please be sure to prepare for both hot and cold conditions. Conditions are volatile and unforgiving in the exposed desert. However, we usually have quite perfect running conditions in the winter and spring in the Las Vegas area and we expect next March to be no different!
Packet Pickup
Pick up your bib and shirt at CraftHaus Brewery from 4pm until 6pm on Friday, March 29th
CraftHaus Brewery
7350 Eastgate Rd #110, Henderson, NV 89011
CraftHaus Brewery
(702) 888-1026
Packet Pickup
We'll continue packet pickup the morning of the race starting at 4am
Aid Stations
We've placed aid stations no more than 8 miles apart across the entire course. Aid station food will include: Salty chips, candy, potatoes, PB&J, pickles, quesadillas, fruit, endurance fuel, & gels. In addition to the usual fare, each aid station will have unique options added by the aid station sponsor
50k - USATF Sanctioned Event
The Bootlegger 50k is a USATF sanctioned course this year! Much more information coming out really soon!
Event's current local time: 12:24 AM PT