Saturday, Feb 10, 2024 @ 8:00 AM

Death at DuPuis (A Backyard Event)

27.000540, -80.552794

Canal Point, FL Last person standing

This Event Took Place Sat. Feb 10, 2024

Florida's Backyard

Interested in Big's Backyard in Tennessee? Here's your local chance to practice. Run as close to Big's rules and terrain as possible.

This is a "not for profit" event. I will have FTA membership pamphlets available and collecting donations for our local chapter. I strongly encourage you to become an FTA member. They selflessly maintain hundreds of miles of Florida single track. Our local Loxahatchee chapter are the maintainers of the trail you will be running on.

All runners will be running a 4.166667 mile loop to be started at 8:00 am. The race restarts at the top of the hour every hour until only one runner can complete the loop on time, or everyone quits. What you WILL get is a warning whistle at 3,2 and 1 minute prior to the hour (that whistle gets very old, very fast) and loving abuse from yours truly when you quit. Also included is the beautiful landscape that is the Dupuis Management Area. If you've not spent any time out this way you're in for a real treat. Coolers, chairs, canopies will be set up at the start/finish line, first come first serve.
As always this is a homage to Big's Backyard in Tennessee, started by none other than Laz. I don't want anyone thinking this sadistic idea was my original.

(An Athletic Soul Foundation event)

Bronze Ticket

Want to get to Bell Buckle Tennessee? Well start winning Death at Dupuis and get yourself a bronze ticket!! This gets you entry into Capital in Virginia. Plus I give out $1000 to the winner as a stipend.


There will be no refunds if you decide to drop. If you decide to drop out, your money will go into the donation pot for the Lox-FTA.

Covid and Finacial Hardships

If for some reason the entry fee is preventing your participation, please don't hesitate to reach out to me personally. The past year or two has hit all of us differently. It is not something I want to hold people back from participating.

About DuPuis

The DuPuis Management Area is a 21,875-acre multi-use natural area located in northwestern Palm Beach and southwestern Martin counties. The property is interspersed with numerous ponds, wet prairies, cypress domes, pine flatwoods and remnant Everglades marsh. The area provides miles of hiking and horseback trails, an equestrian center, graded vehicle roads, backpack and group campsites and seasonal hunting. DuPuis is far from urban areas, and its dark night sky lends itself to excellent stargazing.

Come and explore the nature center with interpretive displays, or walk the nature trail and butterfly garden. Other activities include fishing from the partially covered pier, hiking along the Cypress boardwalk, picnicking or enjoying primitive group and family camping. There are 22 miles of hiking trails, including a segment of the Ocean to Lake Trail, and an equestrian campground with access to 40 miles of horseback riding trails. Special events or programs such as stargazing may be offered during the cooler months. Learn about these by calling (561) 924-5310.

Prior to District acquisition in 1986, the property was a ranch for Dutch white-belted cattle, sheep and goats. By 2001, more than 6,500 acres of wetlands on DuPuis were restored through a three-step program. Land managers plugged old drainage ditches, repaired a levee at the southern boundary to restore former Everglades marsh and reconnected a portion of the flow from the adjacent J.W. Corbett Wildlife Management Area.

Archeological sites of early American Indians date to 500 B.C. Much later, the Seminole Indians used the DuPuis region as a refuge during the Seminole Indian War of 1835, but living on the land proved difficult. Hundreds of starving Indians were captured and sent to Oklahoma. The area became known as "The Hungryland."

Where is my money going?

Race costs include shirts, porta potties, finisher (well, in this case non-finisher) awards, timing and a minimum goal of a $2000 donation to the Loxahatchee Chapter of the FTA. We’ve given back over $10,000 back to the FTA who do so much for our trails and we will continue to give as much as we can.

Event's current local time: 11:06 PM ET


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