Friday, Jul 26, 2024 @ 3:00 PM

SheVentures Camp

396 Bryant Road

Chattanooga, TN Full Payment

This Event Took Place Fri. Jul 26, 2024

Hey Adventurer! (if you're a details person checkout our website for way more info)

Welcome to SheVentures Camp located in the heart of Chattanooga, Tennessee. Join us and tons of other partners for what we hope and believe, will be a weekend when the joy of adventure transforms your soul (yeah, we know that sounds super cheesy but it’s kinda true.) We also hope you'll leave knowing something you didn' how to rock climb or mountain bike or build a fire.

This time is about connecting or re-connecting us to the strength outdoor adventure brings. It'll be scary. Anything new is. It'll also be empowering as your determination to overcome inspires more courage deep within. Even if we fail along the way. Pooping in the woods, climbing boulders or running up a big a** hill strip us of our comfort and prove we’re more capable than we can imagine.

It’s also about connecting with other women who can support our weekend and maybe even support our daily life adventures. We know deep friendships are forged in the midst of challenge and we’re confident we’ll find inspiration and encouragement from each other.

One of our hopes is you leave camp equipped to re-create the weekend on your own. We wanna give you everything necessary to venture out in the woods for a weekend of fun. From cooking to starting a fire you'll leave knowledgeable about the basics of outdoor camping and adventuring!


Friday July 25th
• 3pm-5pm Check-in
• Arrive, Unload and Meet Your Camp Team
• 6 pm Group Meeting
• 6:30pm Set Up Camp: we'll have brilliant tent setter-uppers to help
• 7 Build a Campfire
• 8pm Eat
• 9pm Group Time

Saturday July 26th
• 6:30 Up and Food!
• 7:30am First Activity Session: trail run, mtn bike, rock climb, hike or paddle board. For beginners and geniuses alike.
• 11:30 Everyone back to Base Camp
• 12 Lunch and Hangout time
• 2pm Second Adventure Session: same as the morning options
• 5:30pm Dinner
• 7pm Camp Fire Story Time: we'll celebrate our successes AND failures.
• Music and beer, Dr. Pepper or water.

• 6:30am sunrise run, hike or yoga
• 10:30 am Send-off brunch
• 12 Done


The cost for the entire weekend, including all gear (climbing gear, paddling gear, mtn bikes, shoot even a personal tent and sleeping bag and hiking shoes,) all activities, and all food is $500.We're ridiculously committed to making the outdoors accessible in all ways, including financially. If you choose the payment plan, we'll break the total camp cost into two different payments AND if you need a different payment approach, we're also open to creating something that works for you! Reach out and let's have a conversation. Don't let money be the reason for a "no" to camp.

Invoices for the second payment will go out the last week of January

FAQ, Gear and the Toilet

Food: Let’s start with the most important thing: food. We cook a lot for ourselves and others so let’s be honest, the idea of more cooking might not sound super fun. Which is cool because campfires, food and foil are a perfect trio. We’ll provide good food everyone will enjoy. Vegan, vegetarian, carnivores alike will love how we “fire” up some sweet meals.

Toilets: Poop in the woods? Sounds fun until it gets a little messy. While we’re keen to camp some stuff just isn’t worth the fight. We'll have a few porta potties available. But there’s also plenty of woods, and we encourage bravery (and hand sanitizer.)

Showers: Yeah, after running in the woods or climbing boulders we stink. But we don’t have running water in the woods. No worries. We’ll have a couple of options. If it’s been a nice wet summer we’ll have some sweet rivers to bathe in. If it’s dry we’ll show you other options to ditching the nasty. Well, some of it.

Gear: Don’t have gear, never fear. That’s what this weekend is about. Your campsite host will contact you a few weeks before the big party and you’ll work together to cover your needs. While you’ll want to have your own personal gear like a sleeping bag, pillow and possibly your own toothbrush, we’ll help cover your big ticket items like a tent. And here’s the super amazing thing. We’ve got outdoor gurus who can help you find and buy anything you might want for your outdoor future. Consider them your personal adventure shoppers.

Sick, Wounded, Dying? We’ll have a medical crew on hand to make sure you get home.

Pumping Mammas: You’re always welcome at SheVentures Camp. Campsites don’t have electricity, but we’ll have a generator and small tent set aside for nursing moms who need to operate pumps. (However, it’s a pump-and-dump situation, unless you bring your own cooler.)

Location and Transportation: Base Camp is on 530 acres of wooded property atop infamous Suck Creek Mountain. Because it's forested, we can’t (don't want to) squeeze in millions of cars. (It’s private property and we gotta respect the land.) So try to carpool if ya can...we'll give you an extra square of toilet paper to use.

Technology: Life is full and loud and often complicated; SheVentures Camp isn’t. Our goal is to put ourselves in an environment to grow and stretch and this means giving up control of some of those things that bring us comfort. You might have cell coverage on the mountain and you might not. You definitely won’t have access to wi-fi. Sorry. (Email and camping are oxymoron’s.)

Trash: We’re jerks about enforcing leave no trace (which means you leave your campsite looking like you were never there). That means nothing. Nada. Not even your chewed gum. This land is beautiful and we wanna take care of it. Everything you bring in you gotta take back out. Poop in the woods? Yes...yes you do have to haul out yo wipes.


The purpose of the weekend is to learn knew things and stretch our comfort zones. You’ll have the chance to rock climb, mountain bike, paddle board, trail run or hike all while being coached and encouraged by other women.

Activities are determined by registration order so once we get your registration we’ll send you a sign-up form.

Refunds, Deferrals, Transfers

We keep our camp costs as low as possible through an all-volunteer staff and while we'd like to be flexible on refunds, we can't. Because we secure our instructors and gear as soon as camp sells out, we don't offer refunds, deferrals, or transfers.

Event's current local time: 9:16 AM ET

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