Sunday, Jan 28, 2024

Willis River

Bear Creek Lake State Park

Cumberland, VA 50K, 35K, 20K

This Event Took Place Sun. Jan 28, 2024

Course Description..

The Willis River 50k or less Fat Ass returns again this year. The race features three options: a 50k, a 35k and a 20k. The 35k runs much of the Willis River Trail. The course features stream crossings, rolling hills, and a guarantee of wet feet! Those running the 50k will run the 35k, return to the start and then run the Bear Creek 10 miler portion. Those running the 20k will run to the first aid station, turn around and return.

The cost of the race is free. However runners are asked to bring a food donation to share with other runners. The Race Director will provide water, portajohn, and mark the course. Donations are appreciated to cover the cost of the permit, insurance and portajohn.

The race is a Fat Ass event. I am going to provide water, portajohns and mark the course. I ask that you bring prepackaged food only that can be shared/given to other runners. By that I mean items that are in individual containers. In light of COVID anything that can be touched by multiple people will be thrown away

You're running this event because you want a challenge and to have fun. The course is wet, hilly and sometimes hard to follow. If you get lost, don't worry. Someone else made the same mistake. But you'll get there. Just backtrack to the last White Blaze

Because the event is later in the year this year there is an 8.5 hour cutoff. Runners intending to complete the 50k must finish 35k (return to the start) in 5.5 hours.

Event's current local time: 1:29 PM ET


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