Saturday, Aug 31, 2024

Temptation 200 Ultras

Sand Ridge State Forest

Forest City, IL 200K, 150K, 100K, 50K, Not at all Tempted 10k

This Event Took Place Sat. Aug 31, 2024

Temptation 200's 7th Anniversary!

Join us Labor Day Weekend 2025 for the 7th annual running of the Temptation 200! In addition to the 200K, we will again have the 50K and "Not at all Tempted 10K" options! Come spend your last weekend of summer doing what you love - running in the woods and camping.

About the Race

All 100K, 150K and 200K runners register for 200K and see what you can do on race day. Are you strong enough to grind onward when the going gets tough? Or do you take the early exit?

There is a 50K only option, with a 6AM SUNDAY start time.
This will help with parking and add people to the trail as the 200K champs grind out their remaining miles.
You must complete your first loop in 5hrs or less to proceed to your 2nd loop for the 50K (this has not been an issue in the past).

The Not At All Tempted 10K will start at 8AM SUNDAY and runners will go to the first aid station and back.

Upgrading can be done online if you change your mind before race day and want to shoot for 100K, 150K, or 200K. On race day you can upgrade for the cash difference but you may have to receive your buckle by mail if we run out.

You will be tested. Physically, mentally, maybe even spiritually. Are you strong enough to endure? This race will find your weaknesses and exploit them. At the height of your suffering the race directors will offer you choices…temptations…do you take an official finish on the shorter distance (50K, 100K, 150K) and their beautiful awards? Or can you give just a few more loops to earn the very exclusive 200K buckle? It is tempting….do you end your journey for the reward now, or continue to endure the challenge to earn the most coveted award of the race?
Sweatshirts not guaranteed if registering after August 1.
Camping at the start/finish is included with your race fee. Please note there are NO showers or electric hookups anywhere in the park. Oak Campground (the start/finish) has pit toilets and a hand-powered water pump.

Start time and Cut Offs

The course is hard but the race directors are magnanimous.

The 200K will begin at 4AM SATURDAY. (You weren't really sleeping that well anyway). The runners will be given until 8PM SUNDAY to finish, providing 40 hours for the full 200K. The 50K will start at 6AM SUNDAY, and the 10K will start at 8AM SUNDAY.

"Flexible Cutoffs"

200K runners must start Loop 7 by 10AM SUNDAY. 150K runners must start Loop 5 by 6AM SUNDAY. 100K runners will not have a set cutoff, however runners will be expected to be moving consistently. For instance, don't complete a 50K, sleep for 8hrs, run another 50K and try calling it a "100K finish"....that isn't a 100K finish, that's two 50Ks!! So to paraphrase our cutoff policy - just keep moving and you won't get cut. Small naps are fine to keep your head in the game. Hours of napping take away from the intent of ultra running! Ask the RD's if you are unsure and need a break... we are positive and generally accommodating! RDs reserve the right to cut runners from proceeding on their final loops if they believe completion in 40hrs is not mathematically possible (ex. you have done only 6 hour loops and need to average 4hrs for the next 2 loops... not likely going to happen). That aside, YOU can do this! Even a back of the pack runner can hit 150K in the time allotted... unless they quit because they aren't comfortable.

50K runners who start on Sunday MUST be out of the start/finish aid station on their second loop by 12pm on Sunday (5 hours). If you think you need more time, you can request an earlier start time. Early starters will not be eligible for 50K overall awards.

Weekend Schedule

Friday, 8/29/25
12PM: camping setup begins
1-8PM: packet pickup at the start finish

Saturday, 8/30/25
3:30AM: late packet pickup begins
3:45AM: pre-race check in and meeting for 200K runners
4AM: 200K starts

8AM Saturday until 7:45AM Sunday: packet pickup for 50k and 10k continues.
Sunday, 8/31/25
6AM: 50K begins
6AM: 150K runners MUST start Loop 5
8AM: 10K begins
10AM: 200K runners MUST start Loop 7
12PM: 50K runners MUST start Loop 2
4PM: 50K final cutoff
8PM: FINAL CUTOFF - all 200K starters must be done and off the course

Monday, 9/1/25
10AM: All campers must be gone.

The Distances, Explained

All of the "Long Ultra" runners start as 200K participants, toeing the line together. They all have the chance to continue or drop at any time. Some may drop out at 50K unable or unwilling to go further, while others will continue for more. But if you find yourself thinking..."maybe I could do a little more and get that buckle", the race directors will let you and play the role of devil on your shoulder, whispering in your ear "it's only 2 more hard can it be?" If you set out for the full 200K but find yourself feeling weak and worn down, thinking that a 100K buckle is "good enough" too will the race tempt you.

All Long Ultra runners can choose to run any distance on race day. Are you tough enough to make your goal? or maybe you're tougher than you give yourself credit for?

50K only the "short ultra". You're maybe new to Ultras or know you don't have the time to commit to the long ultras. you must complete the 2 loops to get the challenge coin. You can upgrade on race day....but will you be strong enough to do that? How will you define your race?

Awards and Results

Participants who complete 50K (2 loops of the course) and decline to go further will receive a high end custom Challenge Coin. A token to remind them of the distance they achieved and what more can still lie ahead. Their time will be recorded as an official 50K finish.

Participants who push a mere 2 loops beyond that will receive the first buckle of the race. A beautiful antique brass finished buckle emblazoned with the distance they overcame – 100K – it’s a stunning buckle and it may be tempting to stop here…you’ve already accomplished so much, and you’ll be given full credit for a 100K finish…..

But can you give just two laps more? Do you really hurt that bad? 150K rewards the runner with a glorious buckle in a breath-taking nickle finish. It proudly displays your distance of 150K. You’ll get full credit for a 150K finish…Can this motivate you this far? So close ….but only 2 more laps and you’d have the 200….. 2 is a small number! why quit now?

For those who dig the deepest come the ultimate rewards of the race. The beautiful high relief two tone 200K buckle. A work of art. The apex of accomplishment for the weekend. Exclusively for the runners who overcame the temptations of the lower distances or who did more than they ever believed to be possible.

But be warned: those who forgo a finish at a certain distance in an attempt to reach beyond and fail (passing 50K for example and failing to reach 100K) will be counted as a DNF. To loosely quote TS Elliot: Only those who risk going too far, can find out how far they can truly go. There is no reward without risk.

The male and female who go the "Furthest and the Fastest" will receive an additional award for their efforts…there will also be an award for the last place runner who survived cutoffs and exhaustion to finish the 200K in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. These are guaranteed to be high end pieces that you will display proudly in your home. To the victors go the spoils.

How tough are you? Dig deep….

Refund policy

Deferral allowed at any time. Withdrawing from the race on Ultrasignup will lead to an automatic deferral. If a refund is desired, please contact the RD and it will be processed as follows.
Refund of 75% until April 30,
Refund of 60% from May 1 until June 30,
Deferral only after July 1.
No deferrals or refunds after August 26.

Deferrals are only allowed one year out from the race you originally signed up for in order to avoid endless year after year deferrals.

Event's current local time: 4:30 AM CT


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