YOU CAN REGISTER THE DAY OF THE RACE! CASH and CHECK ONLY! SEE YOU THERE! Come participate in the 17th annual White Salmon Backyard Half and 4 Miler!
The gun goes off at 9:00 am for both the 4 mile and half marathon race and we are running a Lollipop Course. Same scenic vistas and gorgeous trails! So excited for this years run!!!!
This event is a fundraiser for our White Salmon Cross Country Boosters. We suggest a donation of $35 or more. The Booster Club helps the Columbia High School Cross Country team go to running camp, compete in an amazing races around the Northwest, purchase shoes for runners in financial need, and much more! The CGRC scholarship helps high school runners continue their goals beyond high school. Additional donations and donations less than $25 will be available at the race.
You can also sign up without donating. If you change your mind, you can donate at the run.
Last year we had almost 300 runners participate, and we are hoping for the same this year!
- Registration and the Start/Finish will be at Rheingarten Park at N. Main Ave and NW Lincoln St.
- 7:00 am check-in and day of registration opens.
- 8:55 am is the pre-run meeting at the start line, which will be on Washington St. and N Main Ave.
- Both the 1/2 Marathon and the 4 Mile Race Begin at the same time and place!