Saturday, Feb 15, 2025 @ 8:00 AM

Stone Mountain Massacre

36°22'42.2"N 81°01'42.9"W

Roaring Gap, NC 50K, 25K, 8 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Feb 15, 2025


The 50K will be a possible 30 Mile Loop race with a Point to Point Style that will follow the Stone Mountain State Park Trails to the MST Trails and back.

The Route will feature 4 Aid Stations along the route. With 2 out 4 of them being Unmanned.
You will need to carry your "Protection" Stone with you through out the route of the Race.
You will need to collect your Token from each of the Aid Stations along the Route.

The Route will remain a mystery until the week of the race.

Get Ready for the Massacre.

Roaring Gap

Stone Mountain Massarce 25K, and 8 Miler

THE RACE: Welcome to Roaring Gap!!! We are so excited to torture you!! Be ready for all the rocks, dirt, ICE, and the wind

Park Opens at 7 am
Bib Pickup at 7:10 am to 7:50 am
Race starts at 8 am
Race ends at 5:30 pm

We will NOT have the day before Pick Up of the Bibs for this race

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Roaring Gap 50K - CalTopo
The Route starts out in the campground of Stone Mountain. Located just to the left of the interaction from the Visitor Center. Follow the bypass trail that leads to the Stone Mountain Loop Trail. Follow it down the mountain to the Wolf Creek trail. Which loops and merges onto the Mountain to Sea Trail. After you get to the Village you will move back onto the Stone Mountain Loop trail to follow the 300 plus stairs to the bypass trail then back to the Aid Station. (8 Miles)
Some of the trails that you will encounter have a chance to being slick, with some icey spots, stairs going down off of the Stone Mountain, Rock sheets, gravel trails, Other parts of the trails will have a few roots, and rocks.

Our flagging for the race will be RED Ribbon, and YELLOW Arrows!!

Your Elevation Gain per Loop is 1,530

The Aid Station will be fully stocked with basic food choices which typically include items such as pickles, cereal, pretzels, candy, fruit, bacon. The Hydration will consists of water, and Tailwind, and a variety of sodas. The Aid Station will be stocked with first aid. If you decide to drop out of the race, please let us know.

Wear BIBS on the front of your shirt or shorts and ensure that it is clearly visible throughout the entire race. Trekking poles are allowed throughout the race. The weather can vary. Be ready for rain, and fog in many cases.

The cutoff for this race will be 10 Hours

Medals will come with the completion of the race. Medals are handmade pottery medal by BlueGill Pottery. One of a kind and not any one medal is the same as the next one. So ALL of them are different. The one that is selected for you is meant for you to have and is yours ONLY.

Race Results will be listed on

Pictures will be availablea week after the end of the race. We encourage you to tag us on Instagram at @dirty_wolf_racing with the hashtags #roaringgap50k and #dirtywolfracing

Additional Rules for Dirty Wolf Racing Events:

No Dogs or Strollers are allowed on the race course for the safety of all, unless a special exception is made.
Runners and Walkers are both welcome, as long as you can finish by the time limit.
Entry fees are Non-refundable if the event is canceled, including in the case of inclement weather.
If you need to defer your race, please contact the race director.
This is a private event, so unregistered participants are not allowed.

Event's current local time: 1:00 AM ET


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