Friday, Aug 23, 2024 @ 6:30 PM
This Event Took Place Fri. Aug 23, 2024


2024 update:
We will officially be hosting the Night Crawler out of the same Start/Finish/Lap area in the Nordic stadium. We are still navigating parking for the event, but rest assured, we will get you as close as we can to the Start/Finish/Lap area as we can. We'll update you all once this info is solidified. The course has changed from past years due to some new trail construction :) see the new course on the website course tab...
Also due to no relay teams being signed up as of Friday 8/2. We will only be offering the 4 hour and 12 hour solo options for this year, as we need to get overall awards ordered.
We're excited to see you all again for year 8 on Fri. Aug. 23, 2024!

Night Crawler Endurance Challenge
Aug 23, 2024 6:30 PM- Aug 24, 6:30AM

4 hr, 12 hr solo ultramarathon

Please check the race website from time to time as new updates pertinent to the race will be posted there.

Welcome to our 8th year!
The Night Crawler Endurance Challenge is central Wyoming's only solo ultramarathon and team relay. Run overnight under the light of the moon through the forested trails atop beautiful 8,100-foot Casper Mountain. Run as a solo ultrarunner, or get your fellow night crawling friends together for a 2 or 4-person relay team.
The Night Crawler begins at 6:30 PM on Friday evening continuing throughout the night and finishes at 10:30 PM (4hr solo) or 6:30 AM on Saturday as the sun rises. Enjoy the camaraderie of our awesome trail running community and the scenery that our mountain gem has to offer. Are you up for the challenge?
There is no such thing as a DNF with this event.
The format of this event allows participants to run the course and rest as they choose. We only ask that you notify race organizers if you are taking an extended break between laps or are done before the finish at 10:30 PM or 6:30 AM so that we don't have to send a search party out for you. Aside from that have FUN and run as many hours/laps as you can and feel good about it!
Participants DO NOT need to run for the whole 4 or 12 hours. That is simply how long you have to complete as many laps as you or your team can or chooses to.



For more info go to the race website :
A Huge Thank You to this years Sponsors
Complete Physical Therapy, 307 Running, Switchback Electrolytes and YOUR SPONSOR HERE


9301 Casper Mountain Rd. Maps on website...


Online registration closes Wednesday Aug. 21 2024 at 11:59pm.
Late registration can be done at packet pick-up Thursday Aug. 22 (Complete Physical Therapy 2948 Hogan Dr. 82601) from 5:30-6:30PM for an additional $5, (cash or check only). NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION. Questions: Email: RD Justin Kinner:


*Only the first 50 who register are guaranteed a race souvenir!* •Every participant will receive a finisher award. There are no DNF’s with this event! Complete as many miles/laps as you can and feel good about it. Awards ceremony will follow shortly after race finishes in the Start/Finish/Crew area.
• Top overall Female, and Male 4hr and 12hr Solo, will receive unique awards.

Event's current local time: 4:24 AM MT


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