Friday, Aug 9, 2024 @ 7:00 AM

Wyoming Range 100-Mile Endurance Run

Hoback, WY 100 Miler

This Event Took Place Fri. Aug 9, 2024

2024 registration

Registration opens on April 1st at 8:00am MT!

Updated 2024 course

Sorry, folks — it’s time to say goodbye to Pickle Pass.

For 2024, we’re altering the northern third of the course to add a bit more “clean” trail and another large climb. We’re also removing the 20-mile stretch at the end without crew support and shifting the finish to another, albeit larger, private ranch. The race’s total elevation remains about the same, although runners can expect another mile — about 105 in all.

From a difficulty standpoint, we believe the changes are a wash. Yes, runners won’t have to deal with the pain cave that is Pickle Pass, but they’re swapping it for back-to-back 3,000’ and 2,500’ climbs.

"Graduate-Level" Race & Hardrock Qualifier

This is a graduate-level race with several unique challenges. You'll be running in grizzly country (with bear spray). You'll have long stretches between aid stations. You'll encounter rough trail that may involve way-finding. You could run through snow, lightning, and white-out conditions in the clouds. Be prepared for a grueling challenge.

But you'll be rewarded for your finish with a Hardrock qualifier!

The Course

A rugged and relentless 100-miler along the Wyoming Range National Recreation Trail.

The Wyoming Range National Recreation Trail (WRNRT) travels north-south for 75 miles through some of the most beautiful high country imaginable. We placed the WRNRT at the heart of the Wyoming Range 100 to offer seasoned ultra-marathoners the rare opportunity to feel immersed in deep wilderness while still running a fully supported race.

But this is no ordinary race. With 24,000’ of climbing and an average elevation of nearly 8,600’, you should prepare yourself for a grueling run that rarely offers breaks. By the time you reach the finish line, your belt buckle will have been hard-earned many times over.

Service Requirement

All entrants must complete eight hours (or more!) of trail work at least two weeks prior to race day. We will validate trail work with this form. If you find yourself in the Jackson, WY area, we encourage you to contact Friends of the Bridger-Teton for local trail projects.

Group-based trail projects are hard to come by these days, so we’re offering a workaround: Donate $80 to Friends of the Bridger-Teton and send us your donation receipt. We hope these options make it easier for you to satisfy your service requirement (which we take seriously).


$360.00. The price will not increase as race-day approaches.

Learn More

To learn more about the event, please visit Wyoming Range 100. Our website has information on drop bags, course conditions, gear requirements, parking and beer - everything you need to know.

Contact Us

Additional Questions? Feel free to email us at

Required Gear

To run this race, you must carry a variety of safety gear. You must, in particular, carry a Garmin GPS device (for live tracking) and bear spray. If you're unable to provide these items yourself, you can rent them from us at checkout.

Event's current local time: 10:22 PM MT


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