Saturday, Feb 8, 2025

Q50 Races Trails Extravaganza

17049 State Park Blvd

Franklinton, LA 50 Miler, 40 Miler, 30 Miler, 20 Miler, 10 Miler, 5 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Feb 8, 2025

Q50 Races Trails Extravaganza


Welcome to Q50 Races Trails Extravaganza 2025! Our race format contains 3 separate start times, which has been approved by Louisiana State Parks. We encourage you to continue to follow common sense hygiene and to take personal responsibility for your own health & safety concerns. As always, IF YOU DON’T FEEL WELL, DON’T COME.

50 miles finishers will get a half Q50 Buckel!
30 and 40 milers will get a walking cane!

/>Participants are not allowed to run or walk with their dogs!

/>Please read the race instructions below.

Race Site: Bogue Chitto State Park (Franklinton, LA), Meeting Room (follow Park Signs). $3/person Park Entrance Fee.

Lodging can be found in Covington and Mandeville, LA.

The course is mostly single track dirt, stomps, beautiful park with camp sites.

Particpants will received a medal and swag, and great food. The stations will have everything you need to accomplished your goal.

No stations for the 5 mile course, the 10 mile course will have a station at mile 2 and again at mile 5 ish.

Deadline to switch mileage up or down: Tuesday, February 5th at Midnight. NO mileage switching on Race Day.

Race Times & Registrations:

50 & 40 Miles

5:00am-5:45am – Registration

5:45am-Course Instructions

6:00am – Race Starts

30 & 20 miles

6:am-7:45am - Registration

7:45am - Course Instructions

8:00am - Race Starts

10 & 5 Miles

8:00am-9:45am – Registration

9:45am-Course Instructions

10:00am – Race Starts

Ultra cut off time: 14hrs or 8pm. Cut off times are calculated at the Finish Line before you start your last loop.

If you get lost, cut the course, or do the wrong course: NO place award.


Please bring your own hydration container, as our races have a minimum paper policy.

2 Food Stations:

50, 40, 30, 20 milers: at “ish” miles , no station for the 5 miles.

Loops of 10 miles

Please bring your own food if you have particular nutrition needs. A Finisher Meal will also be provided for race participants.

We are doing our best to provide a safe and fun environment for you to MOVE in a positive and challenging way. Please, let’s continue to extend mutual respect to one another.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions, and as always, we thank you for your support. Happy Trails!

Cesar Torres, Q50 Races Director


1. No pacers are allowed for this event, which means if you are not registered with a bib#, you are not allowed to participate.

2. If you start the race late, your time will be calculated based on the official start time of the race, and you will not be eligible for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place/awards.

3. If you get lost or use an alternative route other than the official course designed, you will not be eligible for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place/awards.

Event's current local time: 10:12 PM CT


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