Train for the California Classic 55KM and 100KM EVENTS at Lake Sonoma
Whether you are training for your first ultra, one of many, or you want a cool group of trail runners to train with, this TRAIL RUNNING camp could be just the ticket for you! We accept participants of all experience levels and late registrations will be welcome. Contact Coach Rachel with any questions regarding logistics:
With Wednesday night runs at a dirt track and local trails, Saturday long runs on various trails in the Sonoma County Region, course previews, and field trips, you are sure to get the miles and the training that you need to hit your goals.
On Wednesdays, we will run 4-6 miles and learn drills to improve our running. You will be offered a dynamic stretch warm-up, a coached workout, and core conditioning. On Saturdays, we will meet on trails in the area as well as on course to make sure you are fully prepared for your event on October 19th, other events around this time, or NOT. Expert coaching, group runs, and a whole lot of trail fun is what you have to look forward to in this 16-week camp!! This camp will be run by UESCA Certified Ultramarathon Coach Rachel Baker and Matt Ho, ultra-runner.
Event's current local time: 8:56 PM PT