May 24 - 25, 2025

Pigtails Challenge

16640 SE Old Petrovitsky Road

Renton, WA 200 Mile, 150 Mile, 100 Miler, 100K, 50K

Registration closes: Fri, May 23 @ 6:00PM PT

2022 Event Robes

We have discontinued selling robes on UltraSignup as of May 1st. However we did order a few extra robes and they will are available to purchase for $60 and can be paid for the morning of the race at packet pickup. If you are interested please email ( us with the size and color (Blue/Pink) and we'll let you know if it is available. The robes were purchased on Amazon, "NY Threads Mens Hooded Fleece Robe - Plush Long Bathrobes" if you would like to see the quality. The women's robe is titled "NY Threads Women Fleece Hooded Bathrobe - Plush Long Robe"

COVID 19 Update

Our requirements at this time are all participants need to wear a Neck Buff and as soon as you leave the loop trail and enter the short out/back to the main aid station pull your buff up. Only runners and pacers will be allowed in the aid station area. Please ask all of your crew or family members to stay out of the food area. Delores, James and I have all been vaccinated and will be dong the majority of the cooking. Only fully vaccinated volunteers will be allowed to cook or handle food/drink at the aid station. Runners will not be allowed to put their hands in bowls of snacks. They will need to ask a volunteer to get what you desire. We will also give each participant/pacer 2 cups or 1 cup and 1 Ziplock for drinks and snacks. The 1/2 way aid station will only have water and will be self serve. Please bring enough of your own with you or stock up at the main aid station.
These are all subject to change as well.


Terry & Delores Sentinella co-owners of Northwest Endurance Events were offered the opportunity to continue Van Phan's tradition of putting on a fun, not too technical, party like atmosphere race. We are looking forward to bringing the same atmosphere we aspire to in our other events, Baker Lake 25k/50k, Kill Bill's Oyster Dome Challenge, Last Chance Marathon & The Woolley Runs. We hope you too enjoy the race!

Welcome to the Pigtails Challenge! The Pigtails Challenge takes place at Lake Youngs Watershed which is a rolling loop with 900 feet of elevation gain per loop. While this is not considered a technical mountain race, however don’t be fooled, 900ft per loop adds up considerably ( ex. 100 milers do 10 loops x 900ft= 9,000ft vertical) This is an excellent course for those wishing to train in a very well supported race. If you’re looking to attempt a new and longer distance, such as a first 100 miler, register now. For hardcore types who want take a bite at a longer distance such as 150 or 200 miler and test their mental fortitude, this is the perfect race. Since this is a loop course, the option to throw in the towel always looms in the background. It will test your perseverance to carry on lap after lap when you could easily call it a day, pop blisters, get warm, eat and have a beer.

Date & Time of Events

200 Mile / 150 Mile Race - The initial 100/50 miles of your 200/150 mile race will be unsupported and done independent from the event. Runners will start their final 100 miles with the 100 mile event at 6:00 am on Saturday. Your initial miles do not have to be done at Lake Young.
100 Mile Race - Saturday, 6:00 am with a 34 hour cut off time
100 Kilometer Race - Saturday, 6:00 am with a 34 hour cut off time
50 Kilometer Race - Sunday, 6:00 am with a 10 hour cut off time
All races start at 6:00 am. The cutoff times for all races is 4 pm on Sunday.

Event's current local time: 1:24 AM PT


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