Sunday, May 18, 2025 @ 10:30 AM

Chief Wetona Challenges

28 Entrance Road, Troy PA

Ulster, PA 7 Miler, 4 Miler

Registration closes: Wed, May 14 @ 11:59PM ET

Four or Seven Miles

NEW THIS YEAR - We always try to include a family discount as we value the future of trail racing - with this in mind, all kiddos under 12 run free and all teens (13-18) only pay 25, just enough to cover what we pay per runner.

Race is capped at 250 runners  - there will be no race day registration! Online registrations will be accepted until May 14th

The Chief Wetona Challenge is a family friendly, beginner friendly race comprised of either a four or a seven mile course. All participants, family members and spectators are invited to join us post race for a pancake brunch and CUPCAKES!

Both courses run through the beautiful Mt. Pisgah State Park. Trails are mostly double track and elevation gain is around 900 ft total in the seven miler. The first loop takes you through the woods of the park  and the second loop takes you around scenic Stephen Foster Lake.  The four mile race will use the first loop.

Don't worry - we kept the fun downhill start AND the "downhill" finish ;)

Proceeds from the race will be donated to local causes that help people get outside or help feed people.

Event's current local time: 10:28 AM ET


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