Saturday, Feb 1, 2025 @ 8:00 AM

North Park Trail Runners Frozen Goat 2025

Allison Park, PA 20 Miler, 15 Miler, 10 Miler, 5 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Feb 1, 2025

North Park Trail Runner Members Sign Up First

If you are an official NPTR member (joined online through our website), you will be able to register on December 22nd. Nonmembers can register starting December 23rd. This event has a capacity of 120 runners! Once it is full, there is a waitlist option! We ask that you notify us if you need to cancel your registration. Runners must be 18 years of age or older to participate in this event.


This event begins at the Ice Rink in North Park on the second level. Please check in there before you start running and to receive your loop card.

The Frozen Goat

4 loops will be flagged and mapped out and available on RunGo. This is not a race. Results will not be posted. Enjoy the frozen miles. Choose your course. Choose your own distance.

Begin your loops at anytime. Each loop starts at the Ice Rink.

After completing a loop, return to the ice rink (indoors on second level) and choose your next course.

Complete 1-4 loops to receive a Goat Certificate.

All participants need to begin their last loop before 1 pm. This event ends at 2 pm.

Which Distance Do I Sign Up For?

For registration purposes, please select the distance that you are hoping for. You will not need to make a final decision until the day of the event. Let us know when you sign-in on event day. You can change your mind at any time. This is not a race. Choose your route, join some runners, add up your miles!

4 loop options:

Wilson Goat: 6.63 miles
Tub Goat: 4.44 miles
Wonderland Goat: 5.78 miles
Naturalist Goat: 4.25 miles

OR 20-25 continuous miles, self supported and unmarked run with Tim Flaherty, (those who sign up for the 20 miler will receive a separate email to confirm if you are doing 4 loops to reach 20 miles or if you are doing the Tim 20 + *Please note that the continuous route will follow a different course, will begin at 7:15, will not return to ice rink until the end, and will be close to a 13 minute pace or faster.

Which Goat Will You Be?

Baby Goat- earned by running 1 loop of your choice
Kid Goat- earned by running 2 loops of your choice
Mountain Goat- earned by running 3 loops of your choice
Frozen Goat- earned by running all 4 loops or joining Tim Flaherty for a continuous 20-25 miler.

Goat Tracking- Each participant will receive a card with the 4 loops (logos). You will be responsible for marking each loop as you complete it.


Pastries and Coffee will be available throughout the morning.

Soup and Chili will be provided for lunch. Sampling/serving will begin at 11:00.

*Please note that the supply is limited to what volunteers in the cook-off are willing to bring. We cannot guarantee a specific quantity. We encourage participants to bring a crock-pot(sign ups will be sent out closer to the event), bring a side, bring your own snacks, or order pizza to be delivered if needed.

There is plenty of space in the Ice Rink second level to leave any personal items, coolers, or food. We do have a liquor permit if you would like to enjoy any beverages after your run is complete.

Return Of The G.O.A.T Chili/Soup CookOff

Sign ups will be announced to NPTR runners/volunteers for our second annual Chili and Soup Cookoff!

Runners will get to enjoy warm chili/soup and vote for the best! Who will be the G.O.A.T chili/soup maker? A prize will be awarded to the best.

Event's current local time: 6:49 AM ET


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