Knik River Break-Up Ramble Run
Come join us for the 8th annual Krrbrrr! Spend an hour or a day–or anything in between–trail running with your closest running friends and nemeses; very low key.
Distance options: Approx. 5--mile loops (with optional 2.5 mile loop); run as many as you please in the 8hr time period, until you can’t feel your limbs, or until you can’t give any more blood.
Course has variety of flat, steep, rolling, wide, double-wide, and single-track trails. Slush, slop, mud, ice, poop (horse variety), thorns, blood, views, guaranteed.
Newcomers: If you're looking for a polished, hand held, catered've come to the wrong place. This is just an excuse to run through the mud and shake the cobwebs off your winter brain. Sign-ups after March 8 are NOT guaranteed a shirt.
Event's current local time: 12:50 PM AK