2025 Online Registration is Open
The SoCal Ultra Running Series is alive and well and we would hope you join us for the 2025 racing season. Our system of “points earned for races completed” over the calendar year, provides the opportunity for any and all runners to win the Series outright, win or place in their age group, or just participate with others in this incredible sport of long distance running.
Over one half of last year’s participants received some form of recognition at our award ceremony. Awards are given for overall performance in a “best six” race scenario, overall miles completed in Series races, and in age group categories. Certificates are awarded to any member who completes six or more races in the Series during the calendar year.
You will have various dates to choose from ranging in distance from 50k to 100 miles. Our website at www.socalultraseries.org has all the latest race information, up-to-date member's standings, and other general information.
Typically we have a year end awards ceremony. We keep track of the points and you just go out and have a fun time competing against your friends and getting to know others who are involved in the ultra running scene.
We hope you will join us. See you on the trail or road.
Event's current local time: 2:56 PM PT