Saturday, Apr 13, 2013 @ 6:00 AM

Rock Creek Ramble Trail Run

Lamont, WA 30K, 50K, 100K

This Event Took Place Sat. Apr 13, 2013

Canceled for 2013

Unfortunately, we have had to cancel this event for 2013, due to difficulties with land permission.  We are very excited about this course in the breathtaking Rock Creek Valley and look forward to hosting a run there in 2014.

Course Information

The Rock Creek Ramble takes place at Escure Ranch, in the beautiful channeled scablands of Eastern Washington.  The course will tour the valley and basalt mesas surrounding Rock Creek, with breathtaking views of the creek, basalt cliffs, marshes, and vast expanses of rolling grassland at this mid-20th-century sheep and cattle ranch.

Course options include 100k, 50k, and 30k, with the 100k runners making two complete tours of the 50k route.

The route will be clearly marked, and aid stations will be well stocked.

Entry includes a tech t-shirt with the event artwork.

Event's current local time: 1:11 AM PT

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