Saturday, May 25, 2013
This Event Took Place Sat. May 25, 2013

Kids Race

All kids 12 and under participating in the Kid Fun Run will need to have a waiver signed by a parent/guardian prior to their participation. Waivers will be provided race day.


This year the West Side Stride 5K is moving to Denver’s City Park! We offer a relaxed, family friendly event with a flat 5K course and free kid fun run. Although we are a “no frills” event (which means we will not have race shirts), every registered runner will receive a great post race grab bag with plenty of schwag and free refreshments! Top three male and female finishers will be awarded prizes while every kid who participates in our fun run will receive a finisher’s ribbon.


The Third Story, Inc. works alongside the church and in partnership with local public schools to implement spiritual and social programs for children living in two adjoining west Denver neighborhoods. Our population is vibrant and diverse, a unique cross-cultural community, but the neighborhood is also troubled with cyclical poverty, violence and despair. We create a variety of programs that not only offer a "hand-up" to the at-risk children and families of our neighborhood, but also invite our volunteers into community through service. Please visit our website for more information about our programs.

Donors Only

To give donations only, please click on the green registration button; fill out your information and the second page will lead you to donations. YOU WILL NOT BE REGISTERED FOR THE RACE. All contributions are tax-deductible and all proceeds after costs will benefit The Third Story. Please save this receipt because any gift given through will not be reflected in a personal year-end receipt from The Third Story. All proceeds are given to T3S in a lump sum.

Event's current local time: 8:47 PM MT


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