Saturday, Oct 31, 2015 @ 10:00 AM

Zombie 5-K Fun Run

1001 Kinder Farm Park Rd.

Kinder Farm Park, MD 5K Runner

This Event Took Place Sat. Oct 31, 2015


Calling all Zombies and runners- Be Advised an epidemic is coming to Kinder Farm Park. The Zombie infection is spreading and projected to reach Severna Park on October 28th, when the Friends of Kinder Farm Park will host our third Annual Zombie 5-K Fun Run. We will have 100 Zombies and 250 runners participating in this event. The goal for runners is to reach the Drop Dead Zone, without becoming infected with the Zombie virus. The Zombies will be stationed throughout the course and you do not know where they will show up. They will try to infect you so be quick to dodge our crawling, creeping and running Zombies. Space is limited so sign up today, you do not want to miss this fun run. It is the only Zombie 5K Fun Run in Anne Arundel County.

Zombie Benefits/ Rules

Zombies are not running the race but will be assigned to a specific area for the event. The registration fee is $20.00. Zombies will receive a very cool, limited edition T-shirt.

We will transport the Zombies to their location via a hay wagon.

Zombie Rules:
Zombies must be 13 by October 28, 2017.
Zombies may yell and make scary noises but no profanity allowed.
Zombies will follow the directions for movement limitations provided.
Zombies may not touch or tackle the runners, however there is the potential to get dirty so wear clothes that you don't mind if they get dirty.
Zombie registration begins at 8:30a.m on October 28th. We are limited to 100 Zombies.

Runner Benefits/ Rules

Runners will receive a very cool limited edition T-shirt, survivor medal and racing bib. The run is on a certified 5K course on mostly paved trails but there is some dirt and gravel trails. This is a great course for all levels of runners.

Runner Rules
Runners may be 8 years and older, however we highly recommend that they be accompanied by an adult. Parents please use your discretion when allowing your child to run this event.
Runners should wear appropriate running attire including shoes.
If you are wearing a costume, please make sure it does not impede your ability to run safely or impact anyone else.
Racing bibs should be worn on the front with no alterations.
No touching the Zombies or using profanity.

Race day registration will begin at 9am.
We are limited to 250 runners.
Failure to obey the rules will result in removal from the event for both runners and zombies.

Costs for Runners and Zombie

Runners: Teams of 4, 5, or 6 people will receive a $5.00 discount when tickets are purchased together and before October 22, 2017:

Runners cost will be $30.00 until September 30th
$40.00 until October 23 (T-shirt size is not guaranteed after September 30
After October 23 until RACE DAY registration is $50.00 (T-shirt size not guaranteed)
$50.00 until Race Day unless sold out

Zombies:: $20 until Race Day or until sold out (T-shirt size not guaranteed after September 30 )

Day of Registration

On-Line registration closes on October 23. However, we will accept race day registration with cash only provided space is available. Race Day registration is $50.00 cash only.

Event Schedule for October 28, 2017
8:30 Zombie Registration opens
9:00 Runner Registration opens
9-9:15 Zombies transportation to their zones
10:00 Run Begins

T-Shirts and Medals

T-shirt size is not guaranteed after September 30, 2016.
The shirt sizes are adult S, M, L, XL, XXL, 3XL, 4XL

This year each runner will receive a survivor medal upon completion of the run.

This year the shirt will be black cotton.

Friends of Kinder Farm Park

The Friends of Kinder Farm Park is a 501 c 3 organization, who purpose is to support Kinder Farm Park. The funds raised from this event will benefit programs at the park for example the Sawmill Club, Antique Tractor club, Blacksmiths, 4H livestock club, the Goat Squad and educational committee just to name a few of the clubs that served at Kinder Farm Park. In addition, we have restored the original family farm house, which is now a museum. We also have two other museums within the park the visitor center contains a variety of farm tools and the tobacco barn to show farm life during the depression era of the 30's and 40's. The funds raised from the Zombie run will be returned to the park. You can visit our website at for more information.


For all the non-runners out there, we could use your assistance the day of the event with set up, tear down, registration etc. Please sign up on the website if you would like to volunteer.

Packet Pick Up

Packet pick up will occur on Wednesday, October 25 and Thursday, October 26 from 5:30- 7:45pm at Park Deli in Severna Park. Address is 569 Benfield Rd. Severna Park, MD 21146. Come pick up your shirt, racing bib and flags and enjoy a bite to eat.

If you can't make it to early pick up then you can pick up your packet on Saturday morning prior to the run.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the Zombie 5K Fun Run.
When you pick up your race packet at Park Deli you will receive 10% off your order.

Sponsors Section

Park Deli is providing the after race antidote. They will be hosting a packet pick up and the antidote for the zombie virus.

Scardina- is providing electronic signage for the event.

Vit- A Min Shop will be at the event as well.

Event's current local time: 11:14 AM ET


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