This is an update for all participants.
Due to the logistics of facilitating the final mile of the kid's marathon, we are moving that portion of our even back to the Friday night prior to our other race events . While this has its pros and cons, we feel that it is much safer due to the number of children that participate. I apologize to all those that were looking forward to this aspect of the race, but safety is our main concern.
On the issue of personal aid, we do allow runners to set up personal aid stations, but it must be on the Winfree Bryant campus and NOT ON THE CHURCH PROPERTY! We will be available Friday night to direct acceptable placement of aid/tents. In addition, we will have an adequate aid station set up at the start/finish line for runners as well. You are welcome to come Friday night and Set up your tent and just hangout. Again you will be allowed to set up your tent on the "NORTHWEST" side of Winfree Bryant Middle School. This area is located by the brown metal covered sidewalk on the west side. You would need to set up your tent north of the covered sidewalk in between the sidewalk and the building. This will ensure that you are set up beyond the start/finish line and not before it.
There is no pre-race dinner, but there are plenty of area restaurants to fill you up. Runners of the 12 & 24 hour races may pick up race bib/chips & T-shirts starting at 5 a.m. All other races will be able to pick up their race gear beginning at 6:05 a.m., after the start of the 12/24 hour race. For each race, we will have a quick pre-race briefing 10-15 mins before the race start, so please don't wait until the last min to show up.
We have some really cool 1st place male and female awards, so for those of you that are looking to bring your A Game, Greg Armstrong is making some really nice awards that you can actually use. He's a pretty crafty guy and I always enjoy the things that he makes for people, and we hope you find these interesting. On race morning you will be able to see what they are.
Parking.... Parking for Ultra Runners is at the middle school. We need you to enter through the WINFREE BRYANT MIDDLE SCHOOL entrance, and not the church. One easy want to know that you are entering the correct location is that the middle school has a turning lane into the school and the church doesn't. Once you enter the correct (freshly sealed) driveway, keep to your right EVEN IF IT SAYS WRONG WAY.... This will loop you around the back of the school and it will lead you directly into the Ultra Runners Parking lot. There will be cones marking the course. For parking, you should not cross those. Those running shorter distances should park in the front of the College Hills church and walk over the the start/finish line.
Because our course is located on public grounds, there is absolutely NO Alcohol allowed. We have never had any problem, but just want to be upfront and clear.
Facilities: There are both men's and women's restrooms available just inside the school where the start/finish and aid station area is located. The restrooms are about 150-200' off the course.
Showers: There are showers available in the boy's and girl's locker rooms. 24 Hour Runners may use these facilities but need to furnish their own towels and bath products.
If there is anything that I am leaving out then the answer is 42... haha. I hope some of you get that. But seriously, feel free to message me with concerns or clarification on anything. We are looking forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Train well, rest well.
Run 4 Water has been working hard at making this a top notch race that will attract ultra runners from all over the globe. With a course that will allow you to test your limits with as little effort as possible in middle TN, we now have a USATF certified 1 mile paved loop so you can get as many miles as possible, (Which is what we truly want to see you all do again this year!!!) In 2014 Greg Armstrong qualified at this race to be part of the USA 24hr team for the IAU World 24Hr Championship in Italy.
Chip Timing
Yes that is right, WE WILL BE PROVIDING CHIP TIMING FOR ALL REGISTERED RUNNERS. This is an easy course, super easy... Each year people come from many states away to set a PR. From the people that I had tell me last year, I would say that we have about a 75% success rating for those shooting for a PR in any distance. If that is you, then this is your course. Come on out and test yourself to see if you too will walk away with a new personal record to beat....
The goal of this event is to unit the running community together around the world. We would like runners to dedicate and "LOG" their miles on Sept 24th - 25th to this event, Run Around the World. The Earth is 24,901 miles in circumference at the equator. We hope to log a total of 24,901 miles on this day. We want this to be a fun, family friendly event that you'll remember. We plan to have music pumping throughout the day and night.
This is a running Festival. We are here to have a good time and help encourage others to be all they can be while making a change in the world. Our Festival will consist of a 13.1 half marathon, 26.2 full marathon, 50K, 50 Miler, 100K, 6Hr, 12Hr, and 24Hr timed event. We will have music throughout the day, an aid station every mile to help keep you hydrated, and for those running through the night we will have plenty of food to keep you moving.
Buckles will be given to all runners that are able to complete 100+ miles within 24hrs.
All those in the 6, 12 or 24Hr event will receive a special award for completing their time out there.
All runners will receive a shirt if they sign-up by September 13th.
Age group awards: We don't want to give you an award for just signing up, we want you to work for it, so to keep with tradition we will be awarding the top Male and Female of each events. The awards are always handmade and rather unique. This year, 2016, we are looking at two different options, and both are pretty sweet.
Sept 24th
6 a.m. starts the 12 & 24Hr races
7a.m. starts the 5K, 10K, 13.1, 26.2, 50K, 50M, 100K races
Noon starts the 6Hr race.
Event's current local time: 2:23 AM CT