December 11 - April 1, 2017
This Event Took Place Sat. Apr 1, 2017

About The Program

Initial Instruction

First group workout is Saturday Jan 7, 2017.
Location: Wilma Cavitt Jr. HS Parking Lot 7200 Fuller Dr, Granite Bay, CA 95746
Time: 7:00am

Remember to keep your activity level up so you are prepared to get started as we will hit the trails running. With your registration you will receive an email with your complete training schedule and initial orientation.

Suggested Fitness Levels

Be ready to embark on a fitness journey to the next level. Many people come from a wide arena of abilities and natural talent, but make no mistake ultra-marathon training and racing is not something that you can just gut your way though. You will need to commit yourself to a training program and stick to getting your workouts in.

Minimum Fitness Standard:

You should be ok with maintaining a 13:00 minute per mile pace on a flat surface for 16 miles, and have completed training or running a marathon in the last 4-8weeks leading up to your first training day.
Make sure you find a race to register for. Most people doing this training season will have a target race of Way Too Cool 50k (Registration lottery starts Dec 1st), Salmon Falls 50k and/or also American River 50 Miler, but we will personalize a training plan to any race you are running

Break Down

First we are a Saturday long group with short on your own, Sunday shake out runs. You will be training for a 50k or 50miler so be prepared for the rubber to meet the road. Your training will consist of 5 weekly running workouts and core to boot. Running will be regular runs, tempo workouts, track workouts and also up/downhill repeats.

Attempting to keep the training to the highest quality standard we are limiting our ultra-membership 60 people.

Trail Running Group

Obviously the majority of the information on this page is for the Ultra Runner Program, but as a Part of Trail Running Group you will be out on the same trails as them just for shorter distances. As you read in the description on the wen page this is an intro/fun with trails program. You will receive just as much instruction and support as the Ultra's just not as much time on feet. You will learn everything from trail locations, nutrition, ability to following trail marking to safe and fun trail running.

You should come to the Orientation Session to get acquainted with your running team and program! The Trail Running Group Program is on $65.00

Program Features


Educated,certified coaching and mentor support. Veteran ultra-runners having completed crazy amounts of ultras including WTC, AR50, 100k's and 100 milers.

Coach supervised mid-week workouts for stair, track and up/downhill venues.

Complete support through in person, phone and emails. Never a need to look too far until you have the answers you need.
Program does not include race entry fee and there are no refunds. The membership is non-transferable..

Event's current local time: 1:13 PM PT

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