Friday, Jun 23, 2017 @ 6:30 PM

Ray's Race

4695 Rucker Road

Mount Perry, OH 5K, 10K

This Event Took Place Fri. Jun 23, 2017

Second Annual Ray's Trail Race

Ray's Race is trail race through the scenic hills of southeastern Ohio. The trails are composed of single track, double track, and farm roads. The single track is built specifically for running and has enough rocks and roots to keep it interesting. Plaques are given to top three overall and medals to the top three in each age group. Pre-registration assures you a race specific running hat and saves you some money!

Ray's Race Postponed to Saturday due to weather

Hi everyone,
After talking with someone who knows more about weather than I do we have decided to move Ray’s Race to Saturday (6/24). Race schedule is still the same:
5:30pm Registration and Packet Pickup Opens
6:30pm Race Starts!
9pm Course closes

I know this may cause a schedule conflict for some of you. If that is the case let me know and I can transfer your race registration to another REP race or refund you your entry fee.

Otherwise, see you Saturday!

Event's current local time: 10:27 PM ET


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