This Event Took Place Wed. Dec 6, 2017

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We normally would start the spring Running Club in March, but we have decided to cancel our spring session due to the uncertainty related to COVID-19 and based on guidance from state and federal officials and other youth sports organizations. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We plan to resume in the fall. Please email Kevin Yamamura at with any questions.


Thursdays after school starting on Oct. 17. 1st through 3rd graders will have separate groups that meet at 2:05 in the courtyard outside the Crocker/Riverside cafeteria. 4th through 6th graders are typically combined, depending on the number of coaches and students, and will meet at 2:15 in the same courtyard. The club will end promptly at 3 p.m. each week.

Cost: $25 plus a small UltraSignup transaction fee. Includes one T-shirt per school year.

Fall 2019 Running Club

What is Running Club?
An after-school activity run by parent volunteers who want to instill a love of running and movement in our kids so they become lifelong athletes. We focus on running form, pacing and agility while making it a fun/fitness activity. In the fall, we focus on building endurance. Participants will slowly build up their mileage so they can run farther distances by the end. We encourage as many club members as possible to run the Sacramento Running Association's free maraFUNrun 5K on Dec. 7.

Who should join Running Club?
Any first through sixth grader who wants to have fun exercising and learning some running basics! Students don't need experience, but should bring a positive attitude and willingness to participate in all activities. Cubs can walk, jog or run, and should be prepared to move.

Is Running Club a good way to serve my child care needs?
We don't require parents to be present, but we also don't have enough coaches to sit with kids who don't want to try. Please make sure your child wants to participate. We tell the Cubs who join that Running Club is a privilege, and that privilege can be taken away if you don't follow the rules.

How can I help my child succeed in running?
Stay positive and encourage your child's participation. Running requires consistency, so we tell the kids to stay active outside of Running Club. That can take various forms, whether it's soccer, swimming, basketball or running around the neighborhood. Look for opportunities to have your child run on weekends when they don't have PE or Running Club. Pacing is more important than speed because it will allow your child to run farther.

Do I need to be a runner to coach?
No! You need to have a positive energy and work well with kids. Coaches can sign up their kids for free. Please email Kevin Yamamura at for more details.

My child is only a kindergartner but wants to run.
We make rare exceptions for kindergartners whose parents agree to coach and whose kinders will participate. Two of the board members had their children start that way.

Event's current local time: 7:20 PM PT
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