Saturday, Mar 24, 2018 @ 7:30 AM

Fort Clinch 100

2601 Atlantic Ave.

Fernandina Beach, FL 100 Miler, 50 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Mar 24, 2018

Cancelled Event


Wait List

When you register to get on the wait list, your credit card will not be charged. As spots open up, you will be sent an invite to get off the wait list. Registrants are generally invited off the wait list in the order that they registered. Once you accept the invite your card will be charged. Please try to respond to the invite promptly. If you don't respond to the invite within one week, someone else may be invited off the wait list in your place.


The Fort Clinch 100 Mile Endurance Run takes place inside Fort Clinch State Park on Amelia Island, Florida. A part of the park system since 1935, Fort Clinch is one of the most well-preserved 19th century forts in the country. Although no battles were fought here, it was garrisoned during both the Civil and Spanish-American wars. During the 1930s, the Civilian Conservation Corps began preserving and rebuilding many of the structures of the abandoned fort. 

Refund Policy

There are NO REFUNDS, unless the waitlist is open and active. If the waitlist is not yet active, you may transfer your 2018 registration to the 2019 event.


The course is roughly a 10ish mile loop. It is a mix between continually undulating (virtually no flat), mostly shaded, oak hammock single track trail, flat paved road, and one section of sand dunes; and some short patches of loose and hard packed sandy beach. It is a fun, but technically difficult course. Due to the fact that the trails run through forest that grew on top of ancient sand dunes, there are plenty of ups and downs. Added up over 100 miles, the cumulative gain/loss is close to 7000-8000'.


While out on the course you’ll likely see plenty of wild life: bobcats, alligators, raccoons, LOTS of armadillos, white-tailed deer, fireflies, horseshoe crabs and various species of shorebirds. If you’re lucky, while running on the beach section of the course, looking north across the St. Mary’s Inlet, you may see wild horses on the beach at the south end of Cumberland Island National Seashore or bottle nosed dolphins swimming through the inlet as well as manatees. The beach section will also make for a gorgeous Atlantic ocean sunrise and sunsets over the river.


All 100 mile
finishers will receive a belt buckle. The Overall Male winner and Overall Female winners will receive a 2 tone gold and silver buckle. 50 mile finishers receive a custom leather belt.

Time Limit

Cut-off time to complete the full 100 miles is 30 hours. 50 mile cut-off is 15 hours. These times are strict and absolute. A time of 30:00:01 does not count. A time of 15:00:01 does not count. There are no finisher awards for finishing over the cut-offs.

Qualifying Standards

All results must be available online at the time of applying to participate in the Fort Clinch 100. Completion of any of the following within 12 months of the Fort Clinch race date, if you are registering for the 100:
Any official 100+ mile foot race, including stage races such as the Racing the Planet series or Grand to Grand Ultra, under the races specified cut-off time.
Any official 50 mile foot race under 14 hours.
Any official 100k foot race under 17 hours.
Any official 12hr foot race where you reached at least 50 miles.
Any official 24hr foot race where you reached at least 80 miles.
There is no official qualifying standard for the 50 mile. However, it would be best for applicants to at least be fit enough to race marathon distance.

Event's current local time: 9:37 AM ET


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