Saturday, Jun 15, 2019 @ 5:30 AM

Double Deuce 50

Feeding Hills, MA 50 Miler

This Event Took Place Sat. Jun 15, 2019

Race Info

The double deuce 50 is a fun group trail run, fat ass style. This is a group of friends who need to train for the VT 100 run in July. The course begins with 13 miles within Robinson State Park. Once that portion wraps up we'll head south on the MM trail making our way to the turn around at the Farmington River banks. The day wraps up by finishing off a 2+ mile loop which passes only hundreds of feet from your cozy comfy car.

There will be minimal aid station food & water. There are 5 unofficial aid stations throughout the course (we pass them twice), there will also be some snacks. If you require anything specific you must bring it with you.

Start is located across from 911 Burgers & Dogs in Feeding Hills.

Event's current local time: 7:27 PM ET


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