May 16 - September 30, 2020
This Event Took Place Wed. Sep 30, 2020

How do I submit my results?

Once this challenge starts, you'll be able to submit your distances at the website.

How does this work?

The Virtual Swiss Alps 400 | 800 | 1200 | 2000 will start on May 14 and continues through August 14 (which is also the official finish day of the real Swiss Alps 100 event).

You are allowed to upgrade to the next distance if you finish the current one and feel you can go further. For example, if you sign up for the 400KM and once you finished it you think you can reach 800KM then you can upgrade to 800KM for free.

Of course, you can run 20km a day and 2km the next. Or do 3 5km runs in one day. The main goal is to cover the entire distance before this challenge is over.

You can either walk, run, jog, or sprint outdoors on trails, streets, sidewalks, or indoors on your treadmill. This should only be the distances you cover when you actually go out to run. Counting your total steps during the whole day from your device does not count. Wouldn't be too fair.

It is a global event!

Every single runner around the entire world is welcome to join me! It does not matter where you live on this globe.

When you register you have the opportunity to buy a commemorative Swiss Alps shirt and/or a medal. If you reach the full distance before the end of the challenge you will get your medal.

Event's current local time: 11:28 PM GMT


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