June 26 - 28, 2020
This Event Took Place Sun. Jun 28, 2020

Inclusion and Diversity

The Birmingham Ultra Trail Society celebrates diversity in its members and welcomes people of all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, gender identities, ability levels, religious affiliations (or lack thereof), and political beliefs. People of all ability levels are welcome and encouraged to participate in our events. We will not tolerate harassment, bullying, or abuse of any kind. If you can be kind and helpful to your fellow humans, then you are invited to run/walk/hike with us!

Charitable Virtual Event

The Birmingham Ultra Trail Society, like all runners, understands how important a good shoes are. That is why we are partnering with the Shelby County Foster Parents Association (Alabama) to help put some shiny new shoes on the feet of some awesome kids. Every year, the association takes all of the children in foster care in Shelby County to pick out a brand new pair of shoes to start school in. Each child can pick out ANY pair of shoes they want. In order to be able to do this, they need funding. Shoes average out to cost approximately $30 per child and $50 per teen. With this event we hope to raise enough money to buy 100 pairs of shoes!

Each team registration will buy 3 pairs of shoes for a child or 2 pairs of shoes for a teen!

What is this Event?

This fun virtual event is meant to get people together (even if you still have to be apart) and encourage you to push your limits and see how many miles you can rack up in 3 days. Stage Races are really challenging events. By day 3 you are running (or walking) on tired legs and your motivation can feel non-existent. This is your chance to get together (in person or separately) in a team of 3, encourage each other, have fun, and dig deep to see how many miles your team can go.

How to sign up

Choose a Team Captain.
The Team Captain will register the team and pay the registration fee. Be sure to come up with a fun Team Name (there might be a prize for that). Then the team captain will get a link they can share with the other 2 team members to use to register. You may choose the NO SWAG option at registration so that even more of the proceeds can go to foster kids.

SWAG will be a custom printed buff (not Buff brand) and will be mailed after the event.


A team is made up of 3 individuals. Individuals can live anywhere in the world, and teams can be all male, all female, mixed gender or non binary. Are you a lone wolf? You can choose the solo option at registration, but you are still competing with the teams. I hope you don't need much sleep.

Runs must be done on Friday, June 26; Saturday, June 27; and Sunday, June 28.

Each team member must run or walk at least 5 miles a day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. EACH TEAM MEMBER MUST RUN ALL THREE DAYS

Runs must be verifiable by gps link or files.

An individual's run must be done all at once (No morning runs followed by an evening run). Only one gps file can be submitted per runner per day)

You can run, walk, or hike. No bikes.

Runs can be done anywhere (that is the fun of a virtual race!) Road miles and trail miles count. No treadmills, no elliptical machines.

Team members do not have to run together. You can run separately at different times in different places. Matching costumes are not required, but highly encouraged as are pictures!

Each team member should report their results at the end of each day on Ultrasignup. All results must be submitted by June 29th.

Fundraising Challenge

We invite each team to fund-raise for the Shelby County Foster Parents Association. Make it fun. Get friends to donate per mile you run, or request shoe sponsorships of $30 from your family and friends. It is up to you how you fund-raise. Each individual or Team Captain should be responsible for gathering the funds. At the end of the event we will send you a link to the BUTS PayPal account where you can send the money. Then BUTS will write one check to the Foster Parents Association.

Don't want to fund-raise, but you would like to be a shoe sponsor? At checkout, add on a sponsorship!


The Team with the most miles wins bragging rights and whatever goodies I dig out of the BUTS storage locker as well as a gift card for each team member from Trak Shak! Thank you Trak Shak for being a sponsor!

The Team that raises the most money for the Shelby County Foster Parents Association will win the same awesome prizes as the team with the most miles, plus that warm fuzzy feeling from helping awesome children start school on the right foot (in new shoes).

Door prizes will be drawn from all registered teams.

More cool BUTS locker swag for the team with the best name.

All prizes will be mailed (unless I personally know you and can just drop it off at your house).

Contact info

Feel free to email me with questions:
Please do not direct message me on Social Media, I may not see those in a timely manner.
I will communicate with team captains through email, so if you don't hear from me, check your spam folder.
We encourage you to post your progress and pics on the BUTS Facebook group (join us if you aren't a member). Use the hashtag #shoerunrun and #runbuts on Social Media too!
Want to be a paying member of BUTS and support our local trail systems and awesome aidstations at local events? Join here: Membership. Or just learn what we are about: BUTS: Birmingham Ultra Trail Society.

Event's current local time: 11:01 AM CT
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