Saturday, Jul 30, 2022

Ole School 50

Steamboat Springs CO

Steamboat Springs, CO 50 Miler, 50K

This Event Took Place Sat. Jul 30, 2022


The Ole School Endurance Run takes place just North of Steamboat Springs Colorado. Highlights include Hahns Peak, Farwell Mountain both over (10.800Ft), incredible single-track trails, Pearl and Steamboat Lakes, wildflowers and plenty of water sources. This remote and tough trail run has over 10,790 ft of elevation gain for the 50 miler and 7,023 ft of gain in the 50k. The low point for both events is 7,641 ft. The 50 mile course map can be found The 50k course . This is a Graduate level event it is not designed for inexperienced trail runners. Backcountry experience is mandatory.
I designed this course to bring together Ultra Trail Runners to enjoy the Steamboat area trails .Raw, tough, and rugged trails in a beautiful setting with minimal aid. The Ole School 50 was born. The Event will be Limited to 75 Participants.


There is no monetary entry fee. In order to participate each Runner must bring an award from a previous trail run that was special to them. Examples include, a finishers buckle, age group award, or a WS Cougar trophy to name a few. Not acceptable, a blue ribbon from the county fair. All items will be placed on a table. In order of your finish runners will be able to pick one of the items on the table. It is also my hope that the story behind the item will be explained.


Lodging/Camping: Nearest Hotel/Motels are in Steamboat Springs approx. 20 min from the venue with the exception of the Glen Eden Resort in Clark 3 miles away. Camping, Car Camping, small RVs are available on our property at no charge also at the Coulton Creek Trail Head (1/4mi.) away and Hinman Campground 1.5 miles away (13 spots) and Seedhouse Campground 3 miles away. Contact me directly to discuss further.

Event's current local time: 4:07 PM MT


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