Saturday, Apr 1, 2023 @ 8:00 AM

The Little Loco Relay

Carpenter Road, Forest Ranch, Ca

Butte Meadows, CA 11-65 Miler Choose Your Own Distance, 65 Mile Relay

This Event Took Place Sat. Apr 1, 2023

Event Postponed

Due to tremendous snowfall, snowmelt, mudslides and unpredictably falling trees, this event has been postponed from April 01, 2023 to an unknown date at this time. We are currently considering late June, September or October. Please check back frequently. As soon as we have the new date, we will open registration back up. Jump on the "fan" list to receive a notification when we get the new date in order (should be soon)!

Little Loco Solo Run & Relay

The Little Loco Relay and Choose Your Distance Individual Run in Forest Ranch, Ca is temporarily postponed. Please see above.

SOLO RUNNERS: GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO RUN A 50K OR 100K AFFORDABLY! Price is the same, no matter how many loops you run! Individual runners have the option of running whatever distance they choose, in 2 leg increments, beginning with the first 2 legs and working their way to 12 (2 legs, 4 legs, 6 legs, etc). There are 6 unique legs, and they are doubled on the course for 12 legs total. No need to choose how many you will complete ahead of time. The catch is that you must complete your run in 2 leg increments, IN ORDER, so, if you run your first two and decide to keep going, you must complete the next two to finish - and so on. Take as long as you need between loops and loop sets. Solo runners will have their own designated area they can set up a base camp for between legs if they wish. Each loop brings you back to the start/finish. How far can you make it? The price is the same no matter how many loops you run.

TEAMS: There will be a team base camp set up at the start/finish line. Every team will have their own designated spot (so we can practice social distancing between teams). Teams can set up a day camp where their designated spot is and hang out and cheer their runners on all day as they come through so we can keep some of the spirit of the original Loco relay going.

COURSE: The course will be like a flower (an oddly shaped flower!), with the team base camp at the center and the legs as the pedals. We will have one big aid station/check in station at the team base camp for incoming runners and teammates to check in and get aid. We will, of course have our post race meal, starting at 3pm-ish.

The new course (from 2021) is fun, still has great challenges, beautiful scenery and even some gnarly elevation gain and loss. This race has a cap on team and single runner limits, register now so you don’t miss out!

Here's what you should know:
1. There is registration a cap of 30 teams
2. There is a registration cap of 40 individual runners ***.
3. You do not need to have a full team to register. You can hold a place on the roster for your team. One person registers with a team name (which can be changed later) and teammates register as they are ready.
4. Individual runners register as a choose your in distance runner.
5. This race will fill up fast. We capped out for the solo runners last year and can’t close to reaching max capacity for teams.

***If you are running as a single runner register for the 65 mile distance option, regardless of how many legs you are wanting to complete - just remember, your options on race day for an official finish are the first 2 legs, 4 legs, 6 legs, 8 legs, 10 legs or the entire 12 legs. EACH LEG BRINGS YOU BACK TO THE START/FINISH LINE AND AID STATION THERE.

Leg/Loop Distances & Map Link

Here are the 6 unique legs. Notice that they double back, in reverse order, to make 12 legs. Individual runners, you run in sets of 2. You can stop and rest as needed between each loop. Each leg/loop brings runners back to the start/finish line.

Leg 1 & 12: 2.5 Miles
Leg 2 & 11: 9.4 Miles
Leg 3 & 10: 6.5 Miles
Leg 4 & 9: 6.7 Miles
Leg 5 & 8: 4.5 Miles
Leg 6 & 7: 3.8 Miles

Map Link Can Be Found On Our Website At !

Swag Deadline

Swag deadline is 2/10/23. We have some great swag lined up this year. You are NOT going to want to miss out. Be sure to register by or before February 10th to ensure you get all of your goodies!

Event's current local time: 4:42 PM PT


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