Saturday, Nov 5, 2022 @ 6:00 AM
This Event Took Place Sat. Nov 5, 2022

Llamapalooza 11/05/2022

Join the Sacramento Mountain Runners in Alamogordo for the 2nd annual Llamapalooza 12 hour event! This fat ass takes place Saturday November 5th, beginning at 6 am. Runners will compete for the most completions of the infamous "Llama Lloop". The Llama Lloop is approximately 4 miles with ~750' elevation gain and looks like a highly defined llama on the map! It consists of 2 parallel jeep tracks that connect on the bottom with a pipeline trail and on the top with some delicious rolling single track. The terrain is moderately technical and varies from loose rock to smooth dirt to tacky slab limestone. The course will be marked, but fortunately it is pretty easy to follow most of the time.

Views into the neighboring Sacramento Mountain canyons, White Sands, and the Tularosa basin will not disappoint. (For those not opposed to a small detour, there is a bonus photogenic abandoned mine entrance not far from the water tank at the top). Participants are encouraged to bring their own nutrition and personal refillable hydration bottle/bladder. This event is cup-less to reduce waste. There will be 1 aid station at the bottom of the loop with water, electrolyte beverages, a small selection of snacks/gels, basic first aid, and a port-a-potty. Drop bags can be utilized as well and accessed at this aid station.

Runners will check-in with a volunteer after each loop to log completion time and start time of the next lap - this will be done at the aid station that all will pass. Awards will be given to the top 3 males and females that complete the most Llama Lloops. The cutoff for starting the final loop is 5:30 pm. This event is inclusive to everyone from crazy ultra runners to trail beginners.

Want to start at 6 am and compete for 12 hours? Awesome!
Want to show up at 2 pm and do 3 laps? Sweet!
Want to do 1 loop at any time and hang out with the SMRs and other volunteers the rest of the day? Heckyeh!
You get the idea... no pressure. Run as many or as few laps as your heart desires.

For out-of-towners, lodging is available in Alamogordo and in nearby Cloudcroft. Lincoln National Forest has infinite camping options too.

Check-in and bib pickup will be at 575 Brewing in Alamogordo (234 W 8th St) Friday 11/4/22, 5 - 7 pm. All runners that plan to start at 6 am should make arrangements to check in at this time. We have a 30-min pre-race window from 5:30 - 6 am to allow for this, but only to accommodate out of town participants. We ask that you respect this if you are local, as organizers will be busy during that timeframe, and please check in Friday evening. For those that are not beginning at 6 am, feel free to check in on arrival. Parking for the event is at NMSUA (2400 N Scenic Dr.). This parking lot is across the access road from the entrance to the trail network. Signs for the entrance will be visible and guide the way to the start, an approximate .25 mi from parking.

This is a free event, but it could not be possible without donations. Any amount that you can contribute is an investment in our community and the Sacramento Mountain Runner group's efforts to maintain our trails.

What is a Fat Ass race?

According to Tao of "Fat Ass races are in the grand tradition of ultras being relaxed, low key, loosely organized, adventure runs rather than high pressure, competitive races"
Fat Ass ultras were the brain-child of Joe Oakes in the late 1970s. The concept of having no-cost, self-sustaining events caught on and are still very popular today.

Course Overview Video

Event's current local time: 2:56 AM MT


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